By Tyler - 03/08/2009 18:48 - United States

Today, I got a lovely little surprise after I got out of the shower. That lovely little surprise? I got stung in the scrotum by a hornet that had decided to nestle itself inside the towel I was drying off with. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 052
You deserved it 3 268

Same thing different taste

Top comments

doubleAbattery 0

OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!! I'm a girl and I still cried inside a little at the thought of that!!!


AnnoyingFlamingo 0

Maybe the venom will get into your sperm and mutate it. Then your kids will have acid venom spit.

reminds me of a time when I was younger. a tick had bitten into and latched onto my 7 year old brothers groin and my father had to use pliers to get it out

starberries 0

No he didn't have to use pliers. He could have used a match. You aren't supposed to pull them out.

juybuygo 13

what with people's towels and hornets lately? do you people not know how to close a window? or even better what about a window with a screen? seriously ydi for letting bugs in your house.

Wowww even I know to check my towel for hornets ;)

The bee probably wanted too give life too his unborn babies.

Please explain to me how you managed to misspell "to" twice?

xxDefiantxx 0

Hornets don't sting, they bite. Bees and wasps sting.

Holy crap. My worst nightmare in an FML.