By Anonymous - 26/12/2009 12:43 - Australia

Today, I got a new laptop for Christmas. The picture on the box showed a woman balancing it on one finger to show how light it was, so I tried it myself. I dropped my laptop, breaking the hard drive and putting a massive crack down the screen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 022
You deserved it 100 593

Same thing different taste


contemplate the meaning of your existence you idiotic moron. how can anyone actually be so incredibly stupid... ever heard of false advertising you retarded douche bag

wow you really are one of the stupidest people ever

haleyisabeast 0

YDI for being a ******* dumb ass.

YDI for believing a photoshopped ad on the box. And for being incredibly stupid. I tried to be respectful, but in this case, it's pretty hard. Moron.

Anne553 0

BE CAREFUL WITH YOUR STUFF! what's with you, taking a laptop for granted. I've been wanting to have my own laptop for years

So incredibly stupid I don't believe this really happened.

imperfectclarity 0

Just one word for you (courtesy of the 90s): duh!

ickles92 0

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! you're not ******, you're stupid !!!!