By dust1535538 - 13/10/2011 16:55 - United States

Today, I got a speeding ticket while taking my drivers license test. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 443
You deserved it 38 384

dust1535538 tells us more.

First off, this is my FML. Second, I was on a road that just so happened to not have a posted speed limit. So I just assumed the speed limit to be 45, unfortunatly according to the law here on a unposted road the limit is 35. No I didn't pass.

Top comments

Llama_Face89 33

Don't speed through life. It won't be worth it.


OP you must have really been going quite fast to get a ticket...I can understand one or two km's over the limit, as that's easy to get to (but would still mean a fail) but seriously...what were you YDI...

Impossible. You aren't allowed to speed on your test (obviously you shouldn't speed anyway) but your examiner wouldn't allow you to

RainbowHeadache 2

My driving instructor wanted me going 5 under the speed limit the whole time. He'd get antsy if I went over by even 2 mph so I don't see how this kid could have gone so long without being corrected.

Mourningstar 4

31 I do cocaine!!!! (Not me it was just a reference, don't hate)

The real question should be why did you stop. Just tell the driver instructor your above authority and see how far you got.

hookumsnivy 6

YDI. That was beyond stupid. Please stay out of the gene pool! While taking the driving test, you shouldn't even reach the limit, let alone go over it. You were probably significantly over it if you managed to get a ticket for it.

kiraleann 16

Every time the tester catches you speeding it counts as an error anyway so why wouldn't you pay attention? Even if a cop didn't pull you over if you were speeding the whole time you probably would have failed.

You broke the law, OP. What do you want, sympathy?

I'm no driving instructor but I'm pretty sure that's a fail.

rocket24 4

No, he passed and is driving as we speak.