By Shawna - 02/01/2010 01:19 - United States

Today, I got all dressed up for a New Year's party. When my parents and siblings left the house to their parties, I got undressed. I wasn't going to a party. I only got dressed up so my family would think I had plans. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 382
You deserved it 7 006

Same thing different taste


my party was bumpin, you shoulda come with me!

singer4life666 0

You didn't need to pretend with your family,pathetic.

First: If you wanted to go out, you could have always made plans with your own friends instead of waiting to be invited somewhere. Secondly: If you weren't faking that you were already going out, maybe one of your siblings might have let you go to theirs.

thecirclingskies 0

I did the same thing. In fact I invented about sixteen names of other people who were going to be at the party, giving them intricate personalities so I could make comments like "Matt will probably go somewhere else with Ellen because they don't like parties too much." and "Connor will get there early in order to eat everything then **** everyone, in that order." When my family had all left, I went back to the basement.

You fail more than the OP. I hope Connor ***** you in your dreams.

.............that is the saddest thing i have ever read on this site..........FYL, FYL x1000 thecirclingskies, i may have social anxiety, but even i have some friends

Your life is not really ****** though, is it? There are usually always opportunities to go and make friends.

KayleighNikole 0

Omg I am so sorry. that is pretty ****** up.

cookies_for_you 0

who cares if you didn't have any plans for new years? the fml here is that it's just pathetic you feel the need to lie about something like that.