By Singleton - 02/01/2010 00:33 - Canada

Today, it was my birthday dinner with my family. Everyone was making an effort to avoid a certain topic. Later my 5 year old cousin gives me a nice hand drawn card of me and my boyfriend. Apparently no one had the heart to tell her my boyfriend had broken up with me on my birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 149
You deserved it 2 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Boyfriend: jerk. Cousin: a little sweetie.

jamie_leeann23 0

awww thts cute now email it to ur ex and say: see you bastard look what you've done breaking my little cousins heart. he'll feel bad. they all do. ;)


=( That's terrible. But then again I don't think she would be able to understand. _____________________________

Op.. how exactly is this an FML? He broke up with you ON THE DAY. You do realize 1) she probably drew it beforehand, and 2) There wasn't enough time to even tell her, let alone make her understand? Quit being a whiny little bitch and get over yourself. **** me.

Your family was making an effort NOT to bring this up, being nice - and a 5 yo gave you a hand drawn birthday card. You should be grateful for this not complaining.

Reyo 2

You should beat the crap out of your 5 year old cousin since that's the ONLY logical answer to this obviously life ending situation.

Ace118 0

The point is not that she's mad at the 5 year old. The point is that she was broken up with ON HER BIRTHDAY.

yasmeenjonasx3 0

Aw. Sowee, what a douche monkey. I feel your pain. 

I'd have to beat the **** outta my ex if I were you

dacman48 0

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What's "ingrateful" mean? The FML of this is the fact that the card reminded the OP of the fact that her boyfriend just broke up with her on her birthday. If he hadn't have done that, then I'm sure she would've loved the card.'re nice. You actually think she's blaming her little cousin for what happened? THE POINT IS THAT HER BOYFRIEND BROKE UP WITH HER ON HER BIRTHDAY, JERK.

wintamint101 7
wintamint101 7
lunaforever21 14

the amount of spelling errors in your comment makes me assume you need to go back to school

Boyfriend: jerk. Cousin: a little sweetie.

jamie_leeann23 0

awww thts cute now email it to ur ex and say: see you bastard look what you've done breaking my little cousins heart. he'll feel bad. they all do. ;)

inmora 0

if it was me, I would be thankful, a five year old stop and thought about you and drew you a picture

I don't think that's the point of the FML ..

singer4life666 0

Be happy you have a sweet little cousin!

so you broke up. u ganna blame her? blow it off she's fine and misinformed. no fml other than the breakup itself...