By Username - 03/08/2011 14:33 - United States

Today, I got an anonymous letter, stating my condo's community and all my neighbors can hear me having sex. Not only that, but kids gather around my window to listen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 688
You deserved it 37 588

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flockz 19

right when your about to cum you should scream "I ****** HATE MY NEIGHBORS" followed by the sounds of your bed hitting a wall


fisher08 0
Lulblast 4

I thought that was already assumed.

GoodLookingGeese 10

WTF?! your banned.. either u're nazi spelling 5 bucks won't help u... go.. spank somewhere else..

DaimonxWitch 4

Eh, sex is natural an healthy (if done responsibly). People should stop being so censored about it. Worse things could happen to your neighbors than hearing someone enjoy themselves.

That just means your doing it right. Giggity!

Kudos. Your neighbors are jealous of the fact that you have a satisfying sex life. I would start being louder and screaming their names just to piss them off.

Stylin_Since_97 10

I bet someone called the cops on you and they watched thru your window too:0

mrrudy1972 3

wouldn't you gather around a window to watch?