By Username - 03/08/2011 14:33 - United States

Today, I got an anonymous letter, stating my condo's community and all my neighbors can hear me having sex. Not only that, but kids gather around my window to listen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 688
You deserved it 37 588

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flockz 19

right when your about to cum you should scream "I ****** HATE MY NEIGHBORS" followed by the sounds of your bed hitting a wall


The sex is so good, you make all the neighbors want a cigarette. And it's a nonsmoking community.

Well, at least you're having fun!

xgaribay 0

Umm where do you live. I actually want to come watch too. Does that make me a sikko??

hmmmmm must be entertainment for THE kids and they are now becoming dirty little ****** AND its entertainment for you because your Banging à ****

That means you should be even louder...

Erindub 0

haha! id frame the note & put it on my door. with a Smiley face sticker saying "approved",just to be spiteful. maybe even tape balloons & decorations too, just to make sure the door stands out also, for everyone to notice ;)

cimh 9

You should tape a note on your door asking if you should be louder now? Have you got any curtains?

That's not an FML honey, if it's that good let em drool