By OhJoy - 02/11/2009 05:08 - United States

Today, I got an e-mail from a girl, asking if my boyfriend was indeed my boyfriend. I sent back a gushing message about how much I loved him and how well he treated me. She replied "Yeah, I know. He was supposed to be my boyfriend, too." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 307
You deserved it 4 233

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why the hell would you do that? its like if you're on line at 7-11 and another person asks you if they sell pepsi and you lecture them on how much you love pepsi because it tastes good.


quarty165 0

"John Tucker Must Die" much? haha. that sucks tho

Fastasy, meet reality. If you really knew your BF as well as you supposed you did, this wouldn't have happened. YDI, I'm afraid. It's better than you get a reality check now than later down the line. The good news is that now he's lost both of his girlfriends and probably won't be able to find another one. The worm burns. LOL That's awesome.

Hey come on people saying "why are you sending gushing mail?" If this person is proud of the fact that she's in love what's wrong with that? And for what it's worth, people who make jokes like that suck. If it is...

No one deserves to be cheated on, but I guess that's how idiots who end up/stay in bad relationships think.

dude, same thing happened to me. right there with you.

oreomon 0

I say you guys tag team him. Maybe burn some of his clothes, bash his tv etc

What none of you consider is that she is lying. I have had exs lie about me to girls before, to try to mess things up. If he is really a cheater, dump him and never go back, but make sure first. You must have cared very much about him to write a "gushing" text about him to anyone. Is that something you will risk on something that may be a lie?

wow ******* story of my life! relashionships are over rated! I was seeing a guy and turns out the last month we were dating he was back together with his x! when I finally figured out " something" was going on he had her call and bitch me out...