By Ariel - 02/06/2009 12:19 - Israel

Today, I got an "Enlarge your penis" email for the millionth time. I was about to dismiss it when I saw the FW: from my wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 93 403
You deserved it 7 766

Same thing different taste

Top comments

damnnn thats rough. forward her a breast enlargement offer

Haha ouch. Kind of a bitch way to give you the hint.


theoldGP 0

god she's just kidding... she forwarded the spam to her husband. woop-de-woo. wow

trapiadora 0

HAHAHAHAH. This is a god one. #86 said it best. Hope this ones fake for your

trapiadora 0

HAHAHAHAH. This is a god one. #86 said it best. Hope this ones fake for your

This is fake. A comedian told this joke years ago.

xl0_olx 0
singerguy18 0

I agree with #8. Wtf #39? wtf #96. if anybody knows how the surgery goes to get an enlargement, it isn't like taking a pill. You have to get surgery.

why is your name the same as a mermaid?!

#7, I think the wife sent him this because she thought he was being 'superficial'.

vag_fml 0

i love how guys and stupid bitches ALWAYS flip it to her having a loose ****** and it being HER that needs to do something. cause he couldn't possibly actually have a small penis. god no, that would be unheard of.