By Ariel - 02/06/2009 12:19 - Israel

Today, I got an "Enlarge your penis" email for the millionth time. I was about to dismiss it when I saw the FW: from my wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 93 401
You deserved it 7 766

Same thing different taste

Top comments

damnnn thats rough. forward her a breast enlargement offer

Haha ouch. Kind of a bitch way to give you the hint.


#16 ignore the idiots you were on the right track and made the right call. #23 and 24 the point is, his wife has a preference, no one said he was bad or good at sex (STOP! jumping to conclusions) some girls just like it big regardless of performance, I wouldn’t consider her to be superficial because of it. I like it tight regardless of how well she can use it

LoveLessBeauty13 0

Lol that's kind of hilarious! But think of it this way, maybe she wasn't trying to be rude about it. It was just her way of kindly saying "Sorry dear, but it's just not cutting it anymore."

kandyjohnson 0

I'd ask her if she actually sent it to you and if she did that was just horribly mean!!! Let her know that your penis size may not be the issue, she may need a vag tuck!!

what #8 said. um your name is Ariel. That is a girl's name.

i knew a guy named ariel so its not really jsut a girls name....but yea sux to be you

I'm getting the feeling like the OP spends a lot of time sitting at his computer desk. So.. my money is with what kingbeau said.

If she tells you to get a new penis, tell her to get a new house, new car, new source of income...