By BadGuyLuck - 25/02/2012 06:33 - United States

Today, I got asked out for the second time in my life. Since my first date didn't go so well I thought I might have better luck with a different guy. I had to end the date when he confessed it was his destiny to kill his father. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 979
You deserved it 2 802

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Alex_Lima 2

Guess he never made it past the phallic stage of development :/

Wow, that's one of the weirdest fmls I ever read :D FYL! And hope you'll have better luck with your next date, they're not all crazy maniacs

all4pooh 4

Is it a coincidence that the "I agree your life sucks" bar is at 6666?

What's wrong with that there's nothing wrong with killing your father the emperor was like darth vaders father yet he did it without regret :P

zebralover23 14

He sounds like he has great goals in life, he's a keeper.

Hey there are certain benefits to marrying the ruler of Olympus

Why_Not31 12

Well, my childhood friend's dad, who is mentally ill, convinced his kids that it was their "destiny" to kill my siblings and me. Something to do with an argument he'd had with my grandfather. So, they took this pretty seriously, & we've got a genuine family feud thing going. My best friend (the guys 2nd son) & some of the other kids have finally come to the "it's not destiny, your dad's just nuts" point of view. Unfortunately, my stupid big brother and nutso guy's oldest son are still trying to kill each other. Good point: they're doing it far away, in Russia. And the nutso dad who started this whole shebang is in an insane asylum. So, it could be worse.