By BadGuyLuck - 25/02/2012 06:33 - United States

Today, I got asked out for the second time in my life. Since my first date didn't go so well I thought I might have better luck with a different guy. I had to end the date when he confessed it was his destiny to kill his father. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 979
You deserved it 2 802

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Gondile 4

Then let fate take its course. Little do you know that his father is infact, the leader of Syria

now I never said anything about killing him! I said I wanted to get *rid* of him!

lleej 1
fanaticdragon 10

Neither can live while the other survives, perhaps?

He was testing to see if you like Star Wars.

shaggy2sly 0

Third times a charm. Hello im Robert