By BadGuyLuck - 25/02/2012 06:33 - United States

Today, I got asked out for the second time in my life. Since my first date didn't go so well I thought I might have better luck with a different guy. I had to end the date when he confessed it was his destiny to kill his father. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 979
You deserved it 2 802

Same thing different taste

Top comments


obedsiawor 0

Sounds like some Oedipus stuff

linkinpark98 23

That to me seems like the best date ever. You guys could have talked about your fathers together!

Lette_4_Life 2

sounds like my ex. what was his name??

CadetAdler 0

At least he has some sort of life goal.

instead of writting the bad news here,you can either tell the police or his father,maybe you can save someone's life moron....jesus christ! yes...fyl

Does he want to marry his mother too? God damn Freudian philosophy.

"Luke I am ur father. " ... (revised) "BULL SHIT UR EVIL SO I'LL KILL U ANYWAY!" *le push off side* NOOOOO!!!!