By Anonymous - 14/07/2017 21:30 - Italy

Today, I got into an accident in my girlfriend's car. While I was in the emergency room, crying from the pain, she reassured me, "don't worry, you can pay me for the damage in several installments if you need to." FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 963
You deserved it 1 466

Top comments

species4872 19

She's just taking care of business. Op may be the boyfriend, but wheels are wheels.

dca101 23

Well, I mean it was your accident :P


dca101 23

Well, I mean it was your accident :P

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You don't NEED to capitalise every word for emphasis... your point was clear enough.

F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M 4

Dude wtf is wrong with you. Every single comment you make looks like it's having a seizure

I agree with everything you said in concept, but Jeebus was that painful to read.

You need to go see a doctor asap. I'm afraid you may be having a stroke.

species4872 19

She's just taking care of business. Op may be the boyfriend, but wheels are wheels.

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Even if the insurance covers everything (which it often doesn't) she's still looking at a rate hike as a result of OP.

She will have to meet her deductible if she has insurance, which is probably several hundred dollars. Higher insurance premiums will also most likely go up. Then there's the matter of her car losing value, even after it's repaired. If it's a new car, the value will go down thousands of dollars, even from a small accident. Why should she let it go when he should be willing to take responsibility for his actions? Love is great, but it doesn't entitle you to cost someone thousands of dollars.

species4872 19

I presume you guys are in the US, don't you get any at fault claims without a premium increase at all over there?

All these replies are predicated under the assumption that the accident was OP's fault. We really need more information on the circumstances of the accident to make any judgements.

species4872 19

I asked a question, down here we get a no claim bonus which rises to 60% max, 10% per year if you do not make a claim. When you reach 60% they then give you 1 or 2 at fault claims without it affecting your bonus and hence your premium. I was wondering if they have a similar system in the U.S.

tantanpanda 26

Everyone is missing an important fact: OP is most likely NOT on the gf's insurance. Aren't you only insured if the car is driven by a designated driver on the insurance plan? The gf is entitled to ask for the money, just rude to do it so soon.

@species4872, the answer to your question depends on which state the OP is in and the insurance company they're with, plus a number of other factors which we don't currently have. So the answer to your question is "It depends on the circumstances"

species4872 19

Got that Madrias, Thanks for the reply.

JudgeComrade 17

Got in an accident, or caused an incident?

She probably has the decency to refrain from discussing the “finance charges” in case you elect for the installment plan

Well, she's not wrong. I wonder if it's possible that she thought you were crying from the financial repercussions, and trying to comfort you? Otherwise, yeah... pretty thoughtless timing on her part.

Whether this is an FML or YDI fully hinges on whether or not you caused the accident. Either way, her timing was rather off.

You know they created this thing called car insurance right???

Lobby_Bee 17

It could be third party insurance. That only covers the other person's vehicle.

Well, did you have permission to drive her car? And the damages do need to be paid for, and if you're the one that caused the damage, I think it's fair you pay for it. Be grateful she'll let you pay for it in installments.