By MattBC97 - 27/03/2012 16:24 - United States - Aurora

Today, I got more happy birthday wishes on my porn account than my Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 036
You deserved it 31 003

MattBC97 tells us more.

DAMN IT now I got more Happy Birthday wishes on FML than my **** account... Shit.

Top comments

Nightwing98 22

You know your life sucks when....

at least you know the people on the **** website care about you


thats because you spend more time on the former and very rarely on the latter. bah dum tsss

YDI for supporting an industry that is built on and profits off of the rape of women. Financial coercion is not consent.

Google is the only one who remember my birthday..

Maybe u shud b out making friends instead of watching **** all day