By pooraf - 04/08/2016 14:42 - United States - Urbana

Today, I got mugged. I almost felt sorry for him: he got a $15 cell phone, a frozen debit card, a credit card with only $50 of credit left on it, and no cash. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 358
You deserved it 1 618

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't feel bad, he deserves it for mugging. FYL though, getting mugged can be traumatizing.

When he sees how little you have he might mug someone else and give the proceeds to you.


haveyou000 22

It's easy to have compassion for a good person, but it is much more difficult to do so for someone who does not do good. So either you have a seldom seen ability to have sympathy for the "bad" of the world, or you feel indirectly sorry for yourself for not having more than what you do that others would want to steal. Probably the latter.

It's humanity that gives you that ability for compassion it is indeed difficult to have compassion for people who do terrible things but it shows a great deal of humanity when you do.

Wait, having sympathy for people that commit crimes is seldom seen? I'm pretty sure that all you need to do is think a bit to have sympathy for people that commit crimes.

They say that crime doesn't pay. This just goes to prove it.

RedCronos 17

maybe he'll be so disappointed that he'll try to find a job.

Mugger finds out how little he got. Goes back and stabs you for wasting his time.

65$ isn't that bad, for somebody as desperate as a mugger 50-65$~ can feed you for days

Muggers aren't usually desperate for food. They're either desperate for drugs, or they're just assholes.

Jif3210 4

It should've been you mugging him then

what kind of idiot would take a phone. all phones can be tracked.