By bellaskyeb - 08/01/2012 17:42 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 23/05/2012 21:14 - United States
By blondebarbie271 - 26/07/2015 23:55 - United States - Center Barnstead
By BUSTED. - 01/12/2015 19:02 - United Kingdom - London
**** fox hunts
By Anonymous - 25/09/2021 17:01
By ~__~ - 20/03/2015 21:23
He's a good man
By no booze, no boyfriend - 04/06/2013 20:31 - United States
Night on the tiles
By Anonymous - 07/04/2022 18:00
By mackenzie_cain - 14/01/2010 05:33 - United States
By Ava_Darkflame - 01/01/2017 15:54 - United States - Philadelphia
Walk on the wild side
By Anonymous - 11/11/2020 07:01 - United States - Tyler
Top comments
That's a funny story, actually.
Sounds like it should be on family guy
How funny!!! But embarrassing at the same time...
Hi-ho silver and away!
I was going to ask if they succeeded... Then I realized how stupid that would've been...
Your husband is kool :D
I hate how they get away with littering, everyone just accepts horse crap, but anything else and it's practically jail time. Talk about double standards!
Bet 106 has been sitting on FML hoping that someday an FML that has something to do with a horse pops up so he can post that.
Grand Theft Stallion
New rule: if he's drunk, lock him in the basement and give him some nyquil
"Please honey, I wasn't THAT drunk!" - Husband
I'm not as think as you drunk I am?
I'm not drinking and driving officer. I'm driving and drinkin!
One tequila, two tequila, three tokillya, floor!
Speaking of drunkenness. I've always wanted to: 1. Notice a cop car 2. Swerve slightly on the road back and forth 3. Get pulled over 4. Take a sobriety test 5. Utterly fail it while falling all over the place and slurring words 6. Take breathalyzer and have it show 0.00 7. Hopefully drive away scot-free and leave cop really, really confused
125- I've actually tried this and believe me - it's not worth it. The next step is: * they call other cop colleagues thinking their meter is broke * another tests go 0,00 but they still try more * then the cops think your on drugs * take you to the police station on a not comfortable back seat of their car * do multiple blood tests * send you back after wasting your 2-2,5h * you have to get back to your car by yourself * no one believes police wasted 3,5h of your life
125- Been there done that (except I tripped during the test but the cop's grunt let me know he thought I was drunk) took a breathalyzer test and it came up 0.00 and he just let me go.
Wow. All I can really say is wow. Hope he learned his lesson.
The horses name is Seabiscuit
If I had a horse... I'd name it General Chuck McShniederhoffmansteinsington just to hear it announced over the loud-speakers at a derby someday.
Your husband and company sound like a hoot! Hopefully these types of things don't happen often? :/
This is funny, but I suggest that you request your husband stay home and have his buddies come over if they're going to be drinking. At least that way you can keep an eye on him.
How would he even be able to accomplish that!?!
Obviously he didn't accomplish anything if she was bailing him out of jail.
Obviously thats what 7 meant. Dick^
He could have been all ninja and leap from a building and push the officer off... Just a suggestion lol.
-60 This ain't Assassin's Creed...
Hidden blades? Noob, my hookblade can destroy your hidden blades any time of the week.
Good story to say to his kids maybe, but a retarded thing overall
"Thas also how I met your mother!"
haha nice xD. his children will b so proud
Get him a horse for his birthday so he won't need to steal anymore.

That's a funny story, actually.
They are confused because it didn't have a siren.