By maribel - 04/06/2011 11:27 - United States

Today, I got my beautiful daughter ready to be a flower girl for the first time. A flower girl in the wedding of her father, my ex-husband, and the woman he cheated on me with. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 601
You deserved it 4 126

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hmkay8710 0

she didn't say she was going she said she was getting her daughter ready.

shaniecerb 0

my daughter wouldnt dare he have the audacity to have his daughter at that abomination of a wedding


XxMaseratiGurlxX 1

ehh, just have to go through with it. at least your daughter has a dad. send his wife my way, ill have her cut up.

ecorbridge 4

polygamist-someone who believes in a religion with more then one god. I'm in 8th grade and i knew that.

ecorbridge 4

I was referring to the fact that OP said her ex was marrying "women" - which is the plural form of "woman." Keep your opinions to yourself.

monnanon 13

Lol chiddy-bang i believe you meant polytheist :) They are practically the same words so we'll let you off with your mistake. :)

MilanKing 0

plant a bomb in the flower basket and toss the bitch

MilanKing 0

I wouldn't allow my daughter to do that. I hope at least that she's not old enough to understand. That's really sad.

ecorbridge 4

And think about the daughter too. Maybe she wants to be in the wedding

I am proud of you. He will be so happy and so will your daughter.

Jazzalyn 10

Even if he is OPs ex and he did cheat on her - the girl is still his daughter. If he wanted her to take part, then I think has the right to want that. Also...women? How many people is OPs ex marrying?

people are* If you're going to correct OP's grammar, make sure yours isn't shoddy either.

dudeitsdanny 9

^ You're an absolute moron. Your grammar resembles that of Google's language tool. The "is" refers to OP's ex. I'm not even sure how you thought "are" was correct. Call your parents and have then apologize for shaking you as a baby.

crystalou_fml 3

Jazzalyn was right the first time. If YOU are going to go around correcting grammar, you might want to make sure it actually needs to be corrected :)

Don't think about the wedding, think about your daughter