By maribel - 04/06/2011 11:27 - United States
Same thing different taste
His stepdaughter, we hope
By Hetie - 17/10/2021 11:00
By StillHurt - 19/01/2010 06:44 - United States
The cat's out of the bag
By Unlucky - 16/06/2009 10:49 - Saudi Arabia
By Wrongword - 17/04/2012 10:52 - China - Shanghai
By StillSingle - 29/06/2009 18:14 - United States
Unwelcome visitor
By Anonymous - 01/09/2022 01:00 - United Kingdom - Barking
By damn it rose - 31/05/2014 13:40 - United Kingdom - Derby
By Anonymous - 16/08/2016 16:10 - United States - Richmond
By HateThatB - 18/11/2021 23:01 - United States - San Francisco
I'm happy for you, but…
By Love stinks - 19/08/2013 13:06 - United States
Top comments
damn thats emberrassing
Yeah, that is embarrassing*....
Life 's a bitch
what's your problem 5
oh my god that is embarrassing.
she said x-husband ! duhhhh
#7 naw, better yet a dumb broad.
wouldn't you be "BITTER" over something like that?
and OP your going why? I would feel so awkward.
and away we go
so he's marrying multiple women? kinky...
She said she was getting her daughter ready..
you are gorgeous #7 :)
exactly samethimg happened to my sister
No...Or OP prob would have had less of a problem
Um u shouldn't let your daughter attend something so disrespectful. Ur ex should not put that kind of influence on your daughter! He's a gross ***** Cheater.
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Show it anywayAbomination is the good word..
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayWow, seriously? You're actually defending that bitch? I don't agree with OP for even letting her daughter attend the wedding, Definitely wouldn't let mine be the flower girl for that *****, but still. The ex-husband cheated and wants the child he has with OP to be the flower girl for his new love affair.. that's seriously ****** up IMO.
If i was you OP i'd tell my daughter to steal their rings :)
that last comment was for #36. lol
#84 Yeah? Well I guess you would know about being a judgmental ****? There's also another thing called loyalty. Which clearly, the OP's ex-husband lacked. I think we'd be safe to call it leveling the playing field, and not necessarily being vindictive.
91- I really hope you're single and plan to stay that way. Vindictive is vindictive any way you try to twist it for self-comfort. It will only damage the girl and make OP look like a twat. Also, the "leveling the field" thing doesn't apply here. There's no field to level. This is more along the lines of throwing logs in the fire.
95 Maybe it's just me but I feel like OP is allowed to be vindictive. If I was in OP's position I wouldn't allow my daughter to be in that position, it's like a huge slap in the face. Also, wtfe. 'Leveling the field' went with what I was trying to say at the moment.
I'm with sourgirl on this one. Using your kids for your own sense of vengence is wrong. They're married now, and "that *****" is in the daughter's life, like it or not. And where does it stop? Would you deny visitation too? What if the ex has kids with his new wife-- would you keep your kids from knowing their half-siblings just because you hate their mom? You'd be practically asking your kid to hate you down the road.
91 - it's fun, being young, and having all these opinions, isn't it? Later, when you're a grown-up, you might understand what it's actually like to have to make these kinds of decisions for your children. Hopefully you will realize life doesn't revolve around your hurt feelings, and choose the high road for your daughter's sake...but I don't have high hopes for you.
@#75 - Why are you calling the woman a bitch and a *****?? It was the husband that chose to cheat!
at 116- thank you. unless you've ever been in that position you can't judge. I've made some hard decisions when it came to my daughter, and my son. it's not about how I feel, but what benefits my kids. just bc the ex-husband cheated, doesn't give op the right to be a bitch concerning his wedding. if she has a problem, that's between them and doesn't concern the new wife, or the daughter.
Let the kid do whatever the hell she wants, it kind of sounds like it'd be her decision if she wants to attend her father's wedding or not.
99, two wrongs don't make a right! Just because the husband cheated doesn't mean that the ex should teach her child to hate "that *****." All you're doing then is messing up the child's relationship with her father, which is never a good thing for a young girl. I'm not saying what the ex did was right, because obviously it was ****** up, but that doesn't mean the kid has to suffer
If he's marrying the woman he cheated on his ex wife with, then she's going to be in his daughters life now. The ex wife is doing what's best for HER KID, NOT for him. Keep your chin up, hun. I know it's seriously tough for you, but you are doing what's right for your child.
really? my parents are divorced and i attended both of their weddings. i even walked my step mom down the isle. i wanted to be there with them on a day they're happy about. both of my parents were supportive of me going to the weddings. just because you are not together anymore doesnt mean you can't be happy for that person
I was the kid of divorced parents. My father hates big affairs so he had a private ceremony with just his wife and the judge, so no one would get offended. But i went to my mom's wedding (she was the one cheated on) and she is happier now. It is not the other woman's fault Op's husband cheated on her. But it is Op's fault if she let that hatred pass onto her daughter. The more you hate someone the unhappier you will be. She has the right to be upset and offended, and hurt her daughter wanted to go but a flower girl is usually very young--not a teenager--and children don't always know what the situation is. What Op should do is sit down with the "new wife" and discuss how the parenting at the father's house is going to go. If the woman is not a good person (not because she cheated) or has some problems that would cause Op's daughter problems, then they need to be addressed. Op will need to get over it unless she wants to lose her daughter in the long run. "Mommy is so bitter I want to live with daddy," might happen. It sucks for Op but bringing your children into it will just hurt them more. He will always be her father, even if he isn't your husband.
Look, if the ex-husband was cheating he was probably not the one to get the divorce. OP got even, she divorced him AND got custody of their daughter. She should let it go, but if she's still upset, she can't keep a parent and their child apart because she is angry. That's not good for all three of them and it's not fair to the daughter or the father.
Why has no one brought up the fact that the 'other woman' in this situation is just as guilty as the OP's husband? I assume that she was aware of him being married, and therefore aware of the OP, and she knew about the child. So how come people are defending her from other's calling her a *****? The last time I checked, having an ongoing sexual relationship with a man whom you know is married is a *****-ish thing to do.
@#170 - It's wrong, but it's not her job to make sure the guy remains faithful. It's the job of the two people who agreed to a monogamous relationship to stay loyal to each other. It was the husband that made the vows to the first wife, not the second woman.
Because one mistake does not make or break you as a person. The woman might have fallen for him and not done anything. How many people fall in love with someone taken and can't help it. I am not saying what she did was excusable, but it does not mean she won't be a good step-mother to the child. Yes, it sucks that the Op was cheated on and the woman might be a "*****" but that does not make her any less of a person. The situation can be awkward and painful or they can be adults and be upset and angry but get past it because that it what adults should do. The point of the matter is Op is miserable and unhappy while her ex is happily (perhaps I am wrong) getting married to someone else. So she will sit at home and cry or rage or whatever she does. She has every right to be upset but if she lets the anger fester then she isn't showing him or making him unhappy, she is making herself unhappy. She needs to move on or she is going to end up without anyone.
It's peanut butter jelly time! :D
ouch indeed, good sir
That's not awkward at all....
blonds .....GOD !
1: I'm not blonde. 2: I was being sarcastic.
Well look at the bright side.. it probably was as awkward as hell to go to the wedding, but at least you got to spend time with your beautiful daughter.
cheating is wrong, yes. but what if you thought you were in love and when you realize you actually love someone else it's too late and you're married? try to see it from his eyes.
72- cheating is NEVER ok under ANY circumstance. If you feel like you don't love your wife/girlfriend anymore, and that feeling continues, ask for a separation (specifying whether or not seeing other people would be acceptable) or break up/get a divorce. In any relationship, I'd rather be dumped than cheated on. This goes for women and men alike. There is almost no excuse to cheat on someone.
72- cheating is NEVER ok under ANY circumstance. If you feel like you don't love your wife/girlfriend anymore, and that feeling continues, ask for a separation (specifying whether or not seeing other people would be acceptable) or break up/get a divorce. In any relationship, I'd rather be dumped than cheated on. This goes for women and men alike. There is almost no excuse to cheat on someone.
72- cheating is NEVER ok under ANY circumstance. If you feel like you don't love your wife/girlfriend anymore, and that feeling continues, ask for a separation (specifying whether or not seeing other people would be acceptable) or break up/get a divorce. In any relationship, I'd rather be dumped than cheated on. This goes for women and men alike. There is almost no excuse to cheat on someone.
@72. If you get married then come to find out you love someone else, you don't cheat on your spouse. Either you try to get past the other person in case it's just a stupid crush, or you split up. You DON'T **** around behind your spouse's back, whether you love them or not. It's just ******* disrespectful to your spouse.
@72 - Now where have I heard that argument before? Oh, right! From my ex-fiancé. Emphasis on the EX. I'll give you one guess as to why he's my ex instead of my husband... Yep, you got it! He cheated on me! He didn't want to break up with me, but he loved her too much to be faithful. At least, that's what he told me. I say that's a load of horse manure. He was too immature to handle a real relationship. And here's the real kicker, each girl he cheated on me with knew he was in a relationship. Yeah... Real good girls, right? Imagine his surprise when I dumped his sorry ass and the last one cheated on him. He came crying to me after that and I sent him packing again. :-)
why did you accept that? i wouldn't let my daughter be the flower girl in my ex-husband wedding! and, not because its is ur ex husband, but he's going to marry the woman who he cheated on you!!
If it is dual custody she has no choice
it's still his daughter aswell. if he wants his daughter to attend, she will attend
true, she could have gone naked.
Why does the daughter have to suffer embarassment? It's the father who's the scumbag.
I hope you arent going to the wedding too.?
what an original comment

she didn't say she was going she said she was getting her daughter ready.
my daughter wouldnt dare he have the audacity to have his daughter at that abomination of a wedding