By the_pheasant66 - 26/06/2010 10:31 - Ireland

Today, I got my eyebrow pierced. When I got home to show my family, my little sister said, "That's so fake!" and tore it off my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 130
You deserved it 11 019

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Babushka_Homyak 10

What the **** is wrong with your sister?

ArtIsResistance7 1

That's when you grab her face skin and rip it off, leaving only bone and muscle. "Hey, what do you know, your face was fake too!"


89- i have a sister nd I doubt ud still think that

kalemlalonde 0

my girlfriend has a stud in her nose, and it's pretty sexy, TBH. she wants me to get my lip done, but idk

actually in 2010 it's a bit of an economic crisis and it's nearly impossible to get a job someplace without knowing someone that already works there. and honestly unless you are a tattoo artist, there are very few places that would hire you if you have piercings and tattoos all over. it's unprofessional and ugly.

kbobcat 0

I would have picked up your sister and chucked her into an empty swimming pool. But that's just me.