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By heatherfeather22 - 31/07/2014 03:28 - United States - Ottumwa

Today, I got into trouble at work because a customer complained about my face tattoo, I don't have a face tattoo but I do have one behind my ear. Nonetheless, I still got written up and had to cover it with a band-aid, which ripped out hair when I took it off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 254
You deserved it 11 212

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't understand why people are so offended by ink. Unless it's derogatory or gang related.

With your name instating heather can't you cover that tattoo with your hair?


With your name instating heather can't you cover that tattoo with your hair?

LittleMissShadow 16

Believe it or not some women have rather short hair and may not be able to cover a tattoo with their hair.

How does somebody else assuming something make an ass out of you too? People are responsible for their own actions. There's no need to feel like you did something wrong just because a stranger made an assumption.

Perhaps it's because of the extremism and man-hating that often goes on with feminists. (Waits for down votes because I know there are tons of feminists here.)

Also, she could work at a restaurant or another establishment that requires you to wear your hair up.

If you know your company doesn't want visible tattoos don't get visible tattoos and then complain when you get busted for it. I know I have to say this next part for a certain audience, so... I know she might have gotten the tattoo before she started working there but if the policy is "no visible tattoos" then cover them. If you uncover them it's your own fault.

Also "Heather Feather" stated in the username is a popular YouTuber so this doesn't necessarily imply that OP is a girl at all

Holy feminists batman. It was safe to assume for #1 that the hair could be covered by the tattoo. Even if a female has short hair it generally isn't buzzed like a mans hair and considering the fml says that some hair was ripped out, that's pretty much an indicator too...

PS those who are stating the OP may be male are also assuming and putting a stereotype that males must have short hair... Just sayin'

Where does it say that OP is a girl? I seem to have missed something...

nlm92 15

31- the expression comes from the fact that if you take "ass" "u" "me" and put them together you get the word assume. I find it to be a silly expression for the reason you mentioned but that's the general intention.

This whole thread seems to take what #1 said to heart too much...

This whole thread made me face palm twice

most men and women's hair are at least longer than the back of your ear... Why not just use cover up?

Its because feminism has become known to be extreme so that women are better than men.

Feminists don't advocate equality. At least not today. The proper term for someone that advocates for complete equality is Egalatarianism.

Not to mention she said a tattoo behind the ear. It's not impossible in the day and age, but it is improbable that a guy has a little tattoo right behind his ear. Kind of like pierced belly buttons, that's typically a woman thing.

Did you just ASSUME their gender?!?! Haha jk I'm not a dick

Depending on where you work, why not just cover the tattoo with your hair? I could see why you'd have to keep your hair up if you worked in a restaurant. But if you work in an office or something, just keep your hair down. You'll save yourself the pain of ripping hair out and having to buy band aids all the time!!

What if she was working in the kitchen, and was wearing a hairnet

ChristianH39 30

Because if she was in the kitchen I seriously doubt any customers would be seeing/complaining about the tattoo

juststephhere 23

What ever happened to freedom of expression?

Freedom of expression protects you from being prosecuted by the government. You still have responsibility for all your actions and others are free to treat you as they please.

Whatever happened to a proper education? Please learn your rights, and their meanings, or you're going to sound really uneducated when you preach them.

StillUsesMyspace 22

You live In Canada juststephere, you don't have any freedoms. Also, please stop trying to steal some freedom by keeping our bald eagles hostage.

She may not have freedom but at least she has free healthcare.

Just wanted to clear something up Canadians have more freedom than you, you should even do some research on the topic and btw legal drinking age is 18 so that's better than 21

Unlike good ol America where we can sign up and die for my country 18, but have to live for another 3 years before I can have a drink to my country.

juststephhere 23

Well I didn't mean to cause an uproar! I'm very educated in my rights and I understand what they mean. Everyone has a right to express themselves as they wish, but I also understand that sometimes it can go to far and people will be required to take responsibility. What I'm saying is why should this person be written up for a tattoo behind the ear? That's all! Sorry for any confusion.

Because maybe work policy states 'no visible tattoos' a lot of work places take on that policy.

StillUsesMyspace 22

I thought my sarcasm was clear. Sorry guys. I was trying to make fun of the American attitude.

juststephhere 23

But if the tattoo is behind the ear, many companies would consider that not visible. I guess it all depends on where a person is employed.

The legal drinking age is 19 in Ontario actually

#53 Canada is number 6 on the list of the most free countries in the world (economically) and rising. The United States is number 12 and dropping. Blind American "freedom" at it's best.

#149: We don't need need your statistics, you Godless commie.

Is it my phone or does the word bae look ******* weird?

They typed æ instead of ae, so no, it's not your phone.

Is "bae" a real word now? We're actually doing that?

More of an acronym rather than a word. Before anyone else is what bae stands for.

I always thought it was because people were too lazy to pronounce the second b in babe. (which I am sometimes guilty of) The more you know!

Are we ignoring the fact that OP could very possibly be the very youtuber that helps me (and many others) fall asleep every night?

Gaernem 17

Bæ spelled this way actually sounds like "bee".

This begs the question, did the boss know that the tattoo was there or did he actually look for one?

I know, right? OP could've gotten her tattoo after she was hired, so I suppose it's possible the boss never knew about it, but to get written up over it? Sadly, I've known a few bosses/managers who were actually this ignorant and I'm very much hoping for the follow up.

I had a boss that saw my arm was a little red (from having just gotten a tattoo, not that he knew that because my sleeve completely covered it), lifted my sleeve, saw the tattoo and wrote me up, claiming it was visible.

HammyBear13 8

Bosses can be jerks. I got written up for reporting sexual harrasment from another coworker towards me. Shitty bosses suck. However, i wish there were a follow up for this, explainin if the boss already knew about the tat and never did anything or if he only wrote OP up because of the complaint, or what....

How is the boss a jerk? It's ops fault completely for having a tattoo and not knowing it was against the rules at her workplace. Lots of companies frown upon visible tattoos, so be smart about where you're getting them and don't get mad when someone thinks it makes you look unprofessional.

I don't understand why people are so offended by ink. Unless it's derogatory or gang related.

If I had to try and figure that out, I'd probably offend someone myself or stereotype... So let's just leave it at a big general "people are assholes" comment ;)

I know this most likely doesn't apply in the states, but where I come from (Japan), tattoos were found only on yakuza members. Nowadays young people here also get tats as a form of body art, but most people here still don't like it because of the stigma it carries.

Something something Bible somewhere Leviticus and rules and stuff.

#7: I don't get the big deal about tattoos either. Unless they are made up of offensive materials, I don't think it should be a big deal. A tattoo doesn't usually effect how well a person does their job.

band aid behind the ear...doesn't seem to fit snug.

I'm wondering how a band-aid could rip out her hair (assuming OP is female). They don't exactly have wax strip like strength. It makes sense that behind the ear wouldn't fit snug as you suggest so it probably didn't have a good grip on the hair anyway. Unless it was one of those fabric band-aids. Those ******* are mean.

The hairs behind your ears and around your neck are usually very fine and short, so it makes sense to me that a fresh bands is could rip/pull them and cause pain. My advice is to touch the adhesive with your finger multiple times so that the oils make it less sticky, but just sticky enough to stay in place.

there just jealous because they want tattoos. say its like your human rights to express yourself

Your rights ends where another person's rights begin. You have the right to tattoo whatever you want on your body, and other people have the right to judge you if they don't like it. While I myself like body art and I have tattoos myself, I get them in places I can easily hide so as to maintain a professional image at my workplace. But using the "freedom of speech/freedom of expression" thing isn't gonna work too well for anyone. Employers have the right to turn you away if they don't see you fitting with their image. It's that simple.

So, if I feel like expressing myself by telling my customers what I ACTUALLY think about them, I can't get fired because it's a human right? Sweet! Thanks for the awesome advice-I can't wait to get to work today!

I have a face tattoo as sharpie.....which is a dick.......moral of the story is dont pass out nearby your jackass friends