By Anonymous - 06/01/2012 04:06 - United States

Today, I got pulled over for a busted tail light. The officer gave me a warning and told me to fix it. Ten minutes later I was pulled over again for the same busted tail light by the same cop. This time he wrote me a ticket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 875
You deserved it 3 700

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How dare you not fix it in those ten minutes? That's painfully irresponsible of you.

*** da police, sorry I had to say that but Fyl too OP


That cop is an idiot. You have a prescribed amount of time to comply and provide evidence of compliance. Fight the ticket

Ya, drive away from the police while being given a ticket is called felony flight.

takeitandrun 13

I once got pulled over 3 times, first by a city cop then a state trooper and shortly after that a sheriffs deputy, during a 45 minute drive home from a friends for a headlight that went out just that night. Got a ticket the first time and had to show it each time so that I didn't get another one, what are the odds? That sucks OP but at least they're usually "fix it" tickets so you just have to show in court that you got it fixed and then there's no fine.

Well he gave you ten whole minutes to get it fixed. YDI

babyshaft408 8
kg223 0

He was planning on giving you a ticket from the beginning

token_blackguy 18

when cops do stupid shit like that. they forget they have cameras in their cars. unless you live in some boonie ass town. you should be able to fight that and win.

It was probably more than 10 minutes and your idiot self just wanted to gain attention to the fact they let you go for it and told you to get where you are going but you didn't listen so you are in the spot you are in now.

insanelyXnikki 18

Alzheimers, maybe? Lol. It's not really the cop's fault though, he's just doing his job. Next time just get your tail light fixed right away and you won't have that problem.

insanelyXnikki 18

I recant my statement, he's a dick, fight the ticket.

Dude like seriously some cops here in the US dont know their places