Food for thought

By Anonymous - 08/11/2012 06:13 - United States - Houston

Today, I was told I will be having twins; this came as a shock since there are no twins in my family. When I asked my mom about it, she said that she wasn't surprised and not to worry about it because she had "absorbed her twin" and that the problem would "take care of itself." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 155
You deserved it 2 054

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least your kids will always have someone to play with! Unless of course one of your children absorbs the other.


I don't understand, is OP saying that having twins is hereditary? Because that's definitely not the case

tjv3 10

This is a FML for the twin that might get "absorbed" too so this is a double fml

yanksby7 6

Twins are hereditary...but one twin absorbing the other is fairly common, and it can happen really early, so the mother would never know she was carrying two fetuses. However, OP, just because it happened to your mom does NOT mean it will happen to you, so be prepared for a lot of "twos"!! Congrats!

#98, they are but that doesn't mean it's impossible. For example, where did the first set of twins come from? Their mother. But they were the first, they don't have any other twins born before them in their family, or born ever. So from now on, those born biologically similar to the OP are more likely to have identical twins than those who aren't, so long as those who aren't also don't have any twins in their families.

I read something interesting about twins recently. Fraternal twins are hereditary, but identical are not. Every fertilized egg has the same chance of dividing whether or not twins run in the family. The hereditary part pertains to more than one egg being released at ovulation. The reason the egg splits is unknown. It also only matters if twins run on the expectant moms side of the family. The fathers side doesn't make a difference. Both of my husbands aunts had fraternal twins. So if we have a daughter she is likely to have twins. But it won't make my chances of having twins any greater.

Or a super hero/ villain. *in epic voice* he absorbed his brother in the womb..... Someone else carry this out it'll be funnier.

I think 7 meant Don Fontaine's voice. :) This summer! Arnold Schwarzenegger in and as, "Little Tortilla Boy"

"The Dark Half" directed by George A Romero (the guy who invented zombies!) and released in 1993, and based on the 1989 best seller by Stephen King. I've never seen the movie so I don't know how true is to the book, but the book is about a guy who absorbed his twin in the womb. When he was a kid they thought he had a brain tumor, but when the surgeon opened him up they found a human eyeball in his brain! Then when he grew up he became a writer and his evil twin came back to life for vengeance!

bettykooler 7

Actually there is (spoiler for ju on black ghost white ghost) the grudge black ghost white ghost fuuka (srry for any mispellings) absorbed her twin sister in the womb and later the absorbed twin tries to take over. a woman tries to help and take out the spirit of the evil twin but accidentally takes out fuuka's spirit instead.

There has to be a first. Or you know, two firsts.

At least your kids will always have someone to play with! Unless of course one of your children absorbs the other.

Don't worry, even if the twin does get absorbed, I've heard babies can clone themselves nowadays.

dragonstrike94 8
boycrazy30007 12

That's a little disturbing that she has deemed on of your babies a "problem". Congratulations on the twins though.

StalkerChick 13

The OP might've had a surprise pregnancy. While me and my bf have finally come to terms with my pregnancy, we would both shit bricks if the doc told me I was having twins.

The concept of having twins is the problem, not having a baby.

Maybe OP doesn't want twins. And the mother could tell and that's why she said problem.

boycrazy30007 12

I don't care if you want them or not. It's a baby, it's not going to go away. If OP is going to resent either oxygen she has no business being a mother. Not wanting to have a baby is one thing. Not wanting a baby you have is another. You either love them both unconditionally or you don't deserve either of them.

xXHollowIchigoXx 17


Awwww just realized I worded that comment wrong ^^^. Rats. Totally could have gotten like 12 thumbs up on that :(

95; as your picture is a train, your comment made me giggle. :) Congrats on the twins OP!

titibug823 11

I'm sorry she sees one of your kids as a "problem".... perhaps you should bring that up to her...

Absorbing the twin could result in a chimera. (Fascinating topic, look it up, from a genetics standpoint!)

nothing92x 13

Chimerism (seems to spelled properly, no correction showing up) is very fascinating. You have one set of DNA in a majority of your body, and a minority of parts have another set.

Due to chimerism those paternity tests with the result of "You are not the father" are not 100% accurate all the time. It's even been known for mothers to be DNA tested and not match their birth children only to then realize they are a chimera.

Your mother gobbled up her sibling in the womb...

I ate my twin in the womb. For anyone who has seen pitch perfect will understand...

I think it's more common than people think. We think my mom ate her twin. She's left handed, has three kidneys and is completely batshit crazy like she has two personalities. Could be way over thinking this but all my siblings agree.

I think it's more common than people think. We think my mom ate her twin. She's left handed, has three kidneys and is completely batshit crazy like she has two personalities. Could be way over thinking this but all my siblings agree.

BunchieRules 31

I've heard a theory: people who are ambidextrous are more likely to have absorbed their twin. It supposedly has something to do with the person absorbing the dominant hand of the twin, while keeping their own. Just something to think about, unless I'm an idiot and I have no idea what I'm talking about.

LOL. Loved the part where she "screamed" even though its a regular outdoor voice :P

She thinks having twins is a problem? I've heard that having things such as having a third nipple, are from twins absorbing one another.

Or maybe the baby would be born with the other inside it, a lá Venture Brothers.

iHeartRKO 5

My friends brother was a twin, the other died at birth, the living twin has 4 nipples and ADHD