By Anonymous - 24/01/2017 22:00

Today, I got reverse suspended for correcting my teacher. Now my mom has to go to all my high school classes with me for a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 056
You deserved it 646

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sohigh10 34

As a parent, I'd be outraged that the school is wasting mine and everyone else's time just because a teacher's ego is bigger than their brain.

stumbleina 0

Your mom should straight refuse to do this. What a waste of time.


There is NO WAY I'd do that if I was your mum. It's not like the teacher can force her, **** that.

I've never known anyone forced into this. My mom, however, requested to follow me for two days of classes. It was the finals and she was paranoid a bf would kidnap me. He threatened to take me to Mexico when she forced the breakup. I wouldn't have left with him, but she was freaking out.

cootiequeen4444 11

forced breakups by parents are lame but judging by your exes' (i mean hopefully ex) reaction, your mom might have previously seen the psycho in him before this and had the right idea. sometimes a person can be so smitten by a significant other, they ignore any/all flaws. As such, I sympathize parents with dating children. But I digress, thanks for crazy but interesting anecdote. glad to know you were commandeered to Mexico. Not that I'd necessarily mind being there (as in Mexico. not being kidnapped) myself in present time. For ... reasons. lol.

cheshireau 26

I have never known a school system to do that. What the frick?

OP, what exactly did you say? Yeah, there are teachers that are pricks, but it's just as likely that "correcting my teacher" means "mouthing off for the eighth time in one day." No school would hand down a suspension for "Hey, you forgot x is supposed to be negative," and teachers generally don't have that authority on their own.

My teachers used to thank me for correcting their mistakes, I was never punished or seen as having an attitude for it.

Honestly, it likely depends on how the OP said it and what they corrected. They could have very well been mouthing off as well.

What kind of a school do you go to? If they asked my mom to do that she'd straight tell them to shove it and I'd be changing schools. You should go to the school board and talk to them about it. FYL

Makes no sense at all, calling bs on this one.

Today, in class a student of mine tried to correct me. His correction was not only wrong but so stupid his mom will now be present for an entire week cause she would not take my word for it how stupid my student her boy is. FML Seriously though. What did you claim and what did the teacher claim? Cause I have been on the internet enough and seen plenty of post similar where someone tried to sound smart and calling the other wrong when in the end they where wrong themselves. So I can not support your claim until we know a bit more details.

WinPoe 3

My HS did this but it was for a single day. Some parents refused outright. However the idea was the student would be so embarrassed and the parents so angry that it wouldn't happen again. It only happened twice for my class because other students didn't want to deal with an angry parent losing wages. But my school didn't have ego tripping teachers. So in school suspension was for something worthy of the punishment like cheating or cussing someone out.