By FalloutScrolls - 13/11/2015 14:49 - United States - Eau Claire

Today, I got several angry messages on Facebook, demanding to know how I could cheat on my wife. They didn't believe me when I said I had no idea what they meant. Turns out my wife made a sarcastic post about my "new mistress". She was talking about Fallout 4. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 333
You deserved it 3 022

FalloutScrolls tells us more.

FalloutScrolls 25

Hey guys, OP here. So the actual FML character limit doesn't allow for part 2 of this story. My wife actually did mention Fallout in the post, but because it was rather lengthy and the punchline was towards the end, people knee-jerk overreacted to what they saw, and didn't notice that the long post was abbreviated on Facebook with a "read more" link. Several messages later, all is cleared up, and we're laughing about it now.

Top comments

Knock it off with your gamer elitist bullshit. Who gives a crap when someone started liking a video game series? Who are YOU to determine what a real fan is and who is legit?

renasaurus 17


renasaurus 17

I've logged 38 hours in the last 4 days. There is none.

Today I found a girl that is not only willing to watch me play fallout 4, but enjoy herself in the process. anti FML

PePziNL 20

Well one gives you hours and hours of pleasure, will always be there for you and costs little money. The other one is a mistress.

Does she really exist? I didn't know it was possible to enjoy watching Fallout 4, I find it impossible to watch and wait my turn.

lol nah she just likes to watch video games?

ApparentlyNotEno 28

"What's the difference?" Sex, mostly.

Don't worry, it's everyone's new mistress.

Mine and my boyfriend's. We have a hard time sharing.

Yeah, hell, it's been my mistress since the second it finished downloading.

ber4fun 23

I'd say she understands perfectly. Get to raiding those vaults.

I know how she feels.. But it's still messed up how she put that

meli1195 31

I think the wife was just joking, others just took it the wrong way.

At least your wife knows you're faithful. Just ask her to post another status to clear things up. :)

awildwhisper 30

It might not be anyone's business but you know people are going to make it their business. I like #6s idea

#30 - I mean, when someone posts a public status for everyone, it sort of does become everyone's business

Wow those people that will believe everything they hear on the Internet :/

A07 48

I'm sure your wife will be happy to explain to them what she meant and they'll understand.