By replik - 25/01/2012 15:50 - Russian Federation

Today, I got stuck for a while in a hallway between two security doors due to a malfunction. I'm not claustrophobic, but I sure am sensitive to horrifying smells coming from a nearby bathroom stall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 179
You deserved it 2 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Of all the shit that could have happened.


EmperorXing 0
kittenvks 11

I'm wondering why it took 52 comments for someone to question that...

well.....if you ripped ass yourself you'd only have to smell your own brand and that would make waiting a bit easier

the hallway is more of a long narrow coridor between two steel doors opened by access card. thing is the card slot run out of power and both doors locked. also every other doors in the building are same type, so they had to put stalls somewhere. and the stall was empty but i guess the dump was that massive so it stank anyway. OP.

dwhitlock 6

I see a law suit in your future.