By HoHoSnow - 09/12/2009 03:03 - United States

Today, I got stuck in the snow in the middle of street. As I was just beginning to get myself unstuck, the snow plow came by and buried the front end of my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 867
You deserved it 2 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In the winter, always have a snow shovel in your trunk. You WILL need it.

Call Mr Plow cause that's my name, that name again is Mr Plow.


immastarr 0

thats wat u get for not drivin a pick up :P

HAHA, that sux. Let me throw out that it's 85f here in Hawaii! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Think about it though, because the tourism business has been slow lately here and it sounds like you need a vacation.

haha I live in Wisconsin and today I had to run into a snow bank so the plow wouldn't hit me

Oh no! I'm jealous, though- we haven't had any snow stick yet here in Philadelphia.

cheergurlxx2 0

aww that sucks. I live in NY and we already had schools closed cuz of the snow. btw: my class is gonna go to philadelphia this year. fYl tho cuz u dont have snow ;]

I guess you are used to getting the rear end plowed.

If that was me, I would have gotten out of the car and yelled at the plow driver, "F--- you with something hard and sandpapery!!"

Haha i've been down that road before! Except the plow pushed a load of snow up against the side of my car, pushing it further into the ditch. I couldn't open either of my doors. Luckily someone came along and got me out. Good ol' Nebraska huh? Ugh, this winter blows!!

carross21 0

You deserve it for parking in the street. That's where the rest of us drive, not park, including snow plows. Think about other people besides yourself :D