By HoHoSnow - 09/12/2009 03:03 - United States

Today, I got stuck in the snow in the middle of street. As I was just beginning to get myself unstuck, the snow plow came by and buried the front end of my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 867
You deserved it 2 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In the winter, always have a snow shovel in your trunk. You WILL need it.

Call Mr Plow cause that's my name, that name again is Mr Plow.


Congrats you are officially a snowglobe!!! Simply throw ur car in and out of reverse/drive while frantically revving the engine to shake... Oh what fun!!!

That must have been one bitter snow plow'd think he or she would see your car and, if anything, try to help xP. Not bury your car in more snow. That sucks :(

SilentHarmony 0

You shoulda stayed home. This storm is bad. I live in Iowa and we got 17 inches of snow :(

Call Mr Plow cause that's my name, that name again is Mr Plow.

waterynuggets 0

The forecast calls for flurries of passion followed by extended periods of getting it onnnnnnn!

Now, we play the waiting game.........Ahh, the waiting game sucks. Let's play Hungry Hungry Hippos!

*laughing* YDI since they said that if you didn't have to go anywhere... Than don't!! Besides no one in Nebraska goes anywhere unless it's to work, a bar, or a to see the horrible awful "CornHuskers" or "Huskers" play. WHOOOO GO TEXAS! *laughs* And I live in Nebraska so I know what it said on the TV, Radio, and in the paper. (Before some smart ass says "how would you know?") Nebraska Sucks!

IzzyAiles 0

I would say Fyourlife, if you live in Nebraska and all you do is hate it and go to bars. And Nebraska almost won, if that second hadn't been put on the clock, we would have won by two points.

In the winter, always have a snow shovel in your trunk. You WILL need it.

In the middle of street? Great editing FML crew 

myhairynutsack 0