By Dale - 21/02/2009 02:20 - Costa Rica

Today, I got to Costa Rica for my first vacation in five years. I immediately rented a scooter for the week after checking into my prepaid, no refunds, hotel. On the way back from the rental agency I hit a pothole and broke my leg and ripped the skin off my foot. I'm flying home tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 519
You deserved it 4 184

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I dont know whats worse, the injury, the money lost or the holiday cut short. You poor lad I hate it for you.

travel by car next time? that sucks, though :(


He should have given up so quickly. Get a cast and wheelchair!! Or just be a jerk until they give a refund.

koolkat27 13

Is this another case of, guy who has never been on a scooter before goes over seas and thinks "how hard can it be" and "who needs protective gear"