FML for mobile
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By fmyhabit - 15/04/2011 05:34 - United States

Today, I accidentally pocket dialed my sister while I was masturbating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 869
You deserved it 57 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments

don't lie you just wanted to hear her voice

YDI for having the phone that close to you... unless you were using it? Had it on vibrate?


bigblue95 0

Nathan nice compliment. You should use that one next time you're at the club. See how far it gets you. And make sure you don't accidentally pocket dial while rubbing the trouser snake to FML profile pictures.

jrsgreenfire257 0

Andreas post # is the same as her number in her name :9 AND NICE TITSSS

95,91 you're both ******* losers. you should suck each other in a homoerotic 69 so you get head at least once before you die.

noobgang7 5

YDI for masturbating to mobile ****.

I hope she didnt try to seduce him after he was done that would have been sad lol

Sounds more like a FHL to me... "Today, my brother butt-dialed me while masturbating..." Yeah, that sounds worse to me.

kgraham21 0

Hhahahah, that sucks! I've pocket dialed my mom when I told her I was with a friend and I was with other people smoking a blunt hahahah. I feel your pain sorta.

staceysgenesis16 0

yumm .. thatsounds fun , im sure there wont be awkward being within a 3 feet radius of her .. hmm

Th3_Ging3R 1

lol sam here ...but i noticed before she figurd it out muhaha

#1 what's up with your picture..looks like ur in a shower...?

spartanfan68 0
girlpenguin 0

bet she thought that was hot!

Jrefinne 7

You never know, those Mormons are a strange people...

TheDrifter 23

That's why nobody in Utah will marry a virgin. "If she's not good enough for her family she's not good enough for ours. "

ImaWiseGuy 5

ah, the good ol' Mormons. What would we do without them?

smart smart smart smart smart. not dumb dumb dumb dumb

ImThePope 2

All of your views on Mormons are horribly wrong -_-

79: How the **** would you know? You're the damn pope, thus Catholic

ok polygamy is bad, but How can you not live guys with magical hats ; ~ ; wiizzaaarrrdddsss

ImThePope 2

Because I'm Mormon you dipshit. it's a screen name I've always used, shut the **** up, like your screen name HAS to mean anything important. What would you have said if my screen name is ImThePresident? Nothing different I assume. It's a dumb name people use, so chill -_-

74- I love you and your South Park reference.

What the he'll are you talking about a magic hat idiot! I have never heard of that before, if you don't want to believe the truth fine! Just quit making up crap stories to make you feel better!!!

Hahahahaha ****** Mormons xD I say as I smoke a cig. I would never be able to follow a religion made up by a cattle theif (yes Joseph was a cattle theif)

Thirteen witnesses, magic hats, and cattle molestation? Sounds like a satanic conspiracy.

I'm a Mormon, and proud to be one too. But it appears to me that you dont know ANYTHING 'bout the LDS religion, so I'm going to kindly ask you to not talk if you dont know anything bout us, because it's pretty obvious that you don't!

144- I like how you cuss yet Mormons arn't suppose to lol

YDI for having the phone that close to you... unless you were using it? Had it on vibrate?

MrGold 0

Oh he had it on vibrate all right. Vibrate on the highest setting.

UnicornHooker 0

Like a self-employed Birmingham Booty Call...

He pocket dialed her, so it was in his pocket. I don't know about you, but I keep my phone in my pocket when I'm not using it.

Not while masturbating. Why wear pants/shorts anyway... nudity all the way! :p

**** your sister's life. She must have got a nice disturbing mental picture of you.

nahh. she was probably pleasuring herself on the other end

it's only a fhl if he was awkwardly moaning her name.

Well, OP, just be thankful it wasn't an iPhone 4 and called her on FaceTime....if it was, oh my god **** both of your lives.

JustinThunder 8

Then it'd just be twice as funny!

I'd be more thankful for the fact that iPhones don't pocket dial :)

you would be surprised what evil things iPhones can do. never doubt them!

Most evil thing my iPhone has ever done is autocorrect "*******" to "ducking".

Sadieladean 0

actually iPhones do pocket dial.... I've done it several times ~_~ also been pocket dialed from one too

My dad's iPhone pocket dials... it's possessed.

your comment did make me laugh, but still, his phone was in his pocket

MrGold 0

Funny thing is I know you do it constantly. **** your habit indeed.

oh pleaaase, everyone masturbates, get over it.

SuperNinjaa 0

how could you pocket dial her if you had no pockets

it took way too many comments before someone pointed this out..

jordizzle1496 0

you don't have to ********** naked

^ This. I simply open my zipper, bring out my gun, and play with it until it start shooting. :p

Could have been worse. Could've been your Grandma. We've all seen that movie!