By ducklover1 - 19/06/2012 03:31 - Canada - Mississauga

Today, I got to see a waterfall up close. Too bad it was in my bedroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 659
You deserved it 2 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Location, location, location... (Bet the landlord didn't mention that in the brochure!)

zingline89 18

First time going down on your girlfriend? Giggity.


I bet its easy to sleep, nothing like going to sleep listening to a waterfall.

TarieBoo 2

the sound of water would make me pee in bed every night._.

:| hey at least now you can say "I've onced had a waterfall at home ."

Agreed! For all we know, it could be a tiny leak that was dramatized for this FML! jk lol.

33- there is only one answer you really need. It is the answer to life, the universe and Everything else. ...42!!!!!

Lulblast 4

Congratulations on the nice waterfront view, fellow broseph.

Hope u dont have to use the restroom (:

10121995 0

Should've explained how...?

pavlovaaLOVE 7

Well that would just take the fun out of all the assumptions of how it happened! Use a bit of imagination !

I've had that happen before. My upstairs neighbor installed their air conditioner wrong and made it so a huge chuck of wet ceiling landed on my bed. Luckly I wasn't in it at the time.

Mademoiselle_fml 34

wtf o.o well whatever it is that caused that, fyl D: