By Grossed_out - 05/03/2010 03:51 - United States

By Grossed_out - 05/03/2010 03:51 - United States
By Anonymous - 16/07/2013 04:41 - United States
By Fartagirl - 15/10/2021 05:00
By Payte - 08/04/2011 05:31
By Jpah - 24/06/2009 00:08 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/05/2024 07:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 06/05/2009 19:17 - United States
By Anonymous - 18/04/2024 09:00 - United States
By wow - 19/02/2009 21:44 - United States
By Anonymous - 11/07/2020 14:01
By Noguestlist - 02/03/2011 08:16
ewwwww sick asss bitch....
5 dollar foot long?
she sounds classy, hah.
lol @ #5 I've heard girls bragging about this in the past too.. kinda weird but human none the less. Everyone farts everyone craps... it's a part of life though I don't understand the rationale behind "bragging" to your friends how large your dump was... I must have missed the boat on that one.
Dude, she is a keeper, a girl like that seldom comes around. Shows she is not shy about anything, anything!!!!! ;)
Damn, just noticed that the OP is a woman, well if your a lesbian go for it lol
Guys do this ALL THE TIME. Why is it so disgusting when a girl does it. We crap too.
You HAD too? FYL for being bound and gagged while being made to hear crap stories. If by some miracle you were not tied down, YDI for not telling her to stfu or walking away.
op. WERE YOU BRAGGIN EARLIER? Maybe she felt compitition between the two of you. I think your not sayin the whole truth. HOW BIG WAS YOURS OP???
wow #5 realy not funny
What are you smokin' #1? That shit is hooooot.
52 take your feminazi-ism somewhere else. first of all, it is gross no matter WHO is talking about their crap, and second, guys dont do it "all the time" or at least none that i do. FFS its times like these i wish women had ovaries on the outside so we could kick them in the balls when they r bein *****.
Girls take dumps??
We must report this discovery to other scientists!
who the **** r u
bigger the hole the fatter the ho
fake! girls don't poop!
oh my gah!!! I'm crying here... strandedinalimo FTW
this one made me laugh. I can see someone putting up their hands going "and the crap I took was THIS big" haha ohh that's a funny. :D
8- I laughed at that so hard that I choked on my own spit. Lmfao. thanks for the laugh.
G... Girls can poop?
Damn you're annoying... :P That sucks I guess
who cares, it's just shit. Once you get married and have kids, woman's poop won't bother you a second.
omg tmi
And how is your life ******?
well jeez. Lol at number 5
I would've gagged....
^^^^ super beautiful!!! ^^^^ :)
think you meant " super big boobs"
Do I hear wedding bells?
isn't she precious.
Take it as a blessing. Now you know who not to get involved with.
this is hot
Do I hear wedding bells?
isn't she precious.