By candy - 11/02/2016 12:24 - Canada - Kitchener

Today, I greeted my boss with, "Looking good, did you lose weight?" He responded that no, he'd just purchased larger pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 154
You deserved it 3 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well did his pants not fit him properly before?

Should have complimented his pants after, was a risky question from the start


Well did his pants not fit him properly before?

That is definitely one hole you won't be able to dig yourself out of, OP.

Bonngoo 34

Maybe you did a good thing asking that

Should have complimented his pants after, was a risky question from the start

Don't comment on peoples' weight unless you ask them to - there's way too many ways to upset people. Even if he had lost weight, it could have been due to anything from depression and stress to cancer or an eating disorder.

In other words, don't ask people anything

You can bring up other topics at Thanksgiving besides controversial politics and you can compliment people on qualities besides their amount of body fat. Avoiding riskier topics sometimes isn't a total blanket.

trellz17 19

His boss purchased pants larger than normal, OP noticed and assumed his boss had lost weight. Which he didn't.

how was that confusing? it was pretty straight forward...

19, I was confused as to how she didn't notice he was wearing larger pants.

probably didn't notice the size difference on the tag. Unless they only sell pants by color coded sizes in Canada...

Just say..well my compliment still stands. Nice trousers.

So what? You were just trying to be nice is all

Same effect with zero effort. Next time, compliment him on his cunning.

Well, that's another solution to the problem.

If he had to buy larger pants he already knows he's larger, so in a way it was still a compliment. You're letting him know that whatever he did is working and you can see a difference.

katachristic 19

But it's likely that her boss was unhappy that he had to buy new pants cause he presumably outgrew the old ones. A solid reminder that he's gained weight AND he has to pay money. Insult to injury.