By satanlovesme - 30/05/2009 23:22 - United States

Today, I had a dentist appointment. While waiting, I pulled out my Cosmo magazine to entertain myself. The woman sitting across from me points and tells me I'm reading "Satan's Manual." I told her I don't believe in Satan. She said, "You'll know he's real when you become his bitch!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 846
You deserved it 8 350

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SP63_fml 0

Ugh. I was raised Christian, and always will be, but these kind of people are what gives Christians the names they have. Wouldn't it be great if there was a world where people could co-exist, and go about as they wish? I know many Athiests, Muslims, and even a few Buddhists. They're all nice people, I could care less about who they worship, or if they do at all. But then again, I've been excommunicated from my church, supposedly for these reasons. Oh well, who cares, I refuse to join a church that discriminates.

LOL. I didn't know Satan had a manual.


comadank 0

ppl like that piss me off and yes i am a chriatian but really some ppl are so far from the world they wont watch tv or listen to the radio since it's agenst god or so they think if you can't understand other religons you have issues spend a moment in someone elses shoes and see how it is in there sheltered world they live in

AmpulexCompressa 0

**** her life because she's wasting it prostyletizing people for her false beliefs.

Let me reiterate what I said just above real fast... For all of you people who think religion is such a horrible brain washing tool should stop being such bigoted, intolerant hypocrites that you call them.

kandi_shop_xoxo 0

First off, to all of you who are talking crap on religious people, I would rather believe in something that gives me hope, than something that gives me no hope what-so-ever. Annnnnd, to the OP... this is just stupid. Who cares if some crazy lady said that to you? On my college campus we have crazy people like that all the time condemning everyone. Nobody cares. But I believe in God, and I don't care if any of you judge me for it. :)

kandi_shop_xoxo 0

Baruch atah Adonai eloheinu Melech haolam hamotzi lechem meen haaretz. (Blessed are you Oh! Lord our God, King of the universe who brings forth bread from the Earth) :o)

ShenziSixaxis 0
xNatsuki 0

Should have said "Oh, you said bitch. So now you're going to my bitch when I'm down there being his bitch, bitch. "

DarkMirror 0

Not really FML worthy. Just go and watch The Mist. It gives hope that intolerant, fanatical nutjobs get what's coming to them in the end xD

FMLwrestler 0

aha ok im #37 for all you people just so you know, and ok ok maybe some people are retarded and hypocritical. I get that. Hell, even the atheists are being hypocritical. Everybody is at times! Even me sometimes. Soo whatever I commented to say that #155 ******* is the ******* MAN. haha thats awesome