By AtheistLookingforRoomie - 12/01/2017 22:00
Same thing different taste
By Kitcat034 - 22/01/2018 15:00
He's a very naughty boy
By Anonymous - 26/09/2019 14:01
Debate bros
By bitchasshonky - 11/08/2010 04:09 - France
Odd behavior
By Anon - 05/01/2012 02:21 - United States
Squatters' rights
By Anonymous - 23/04/2024 16:00 - United States - Auburn
By NowHomeless - 31/08/2010 23:13 - United States
Oh no…
By doubletrouble - 22/04/2011 14:40 - United States
Not helping
By StillUnemployed - 11/10/2021 20:00
By keimA - 23/06/2019 12:30
Stranger danger
By Anonymous - 15/03/2016 03:42 - United States - Ocoee
Top comments
I'm wondering if the guy said he needed to pray about it in a passive aggressive way. I've worked with religious people on a college group project for an environmental science course and almost every time I tried to suggest something they would say they needed to pray before considering my suggestion. It got pretty frustrating that apparently, despite me having been assigned as 'leader' of their group because my grades were higher, the fact I am atheistic means I don't know what I'm talking abou
Actually, #10, over 50 percent of convicted criminals in prison are either Protestant or Catholic. Atheists make up around .07% of the prison population. About 17% don't identify with structured religion. So, religion does not equal morals.
actually, most of those Protestants and Catholics converted after they went to prison. or only started practicing their faith after they were incarcerated. nearly 35% of inmates in my state are Muslim. Plus we have a significant amount of Wiccans and Odinists. I was in state prison myself and can tell you that many people find religion in there that had none beforehand.
The potential roommate was disrespecting OPs belief. Not the other way around. If you have to "pray about your decision" to room with someone with different beliefs then you, then you don't respect their beliefs.
I do not think that what it is. I'm not religious (Well, not anymore) but him saying that was him wondering if it would be ok with God. He is going to pray about it and then say what he feels about it.
I wouldn't go by that. When I was in jail, a lot of people went to church just to get off the block for awhile. And on some levels of the jail, church was held in or next to the weight room, so we could get an extra workout if the person or people who showed up ended early. Polling people who have a habit of having ulterior motives seems silly to me.
I wouldn't put yourself through that drama. I personally wouldn't want to live with someone who can't think for themselves.
You're critical thinking skills seem to be lacking. Not sure how you came to that conclusion in such a brief story.
<p>It really sounds like you are the reason why it won't work...</p>
The struggle is real. I feel your pain buddy.
Anyone who uses your atheism as a possible red flag for not having you as a roomate, is an ignorant bastard. And all of you defending the jerk... How would you feel if someone used your religious (or lack of religious) beliefs to possibly disqualify you from housing (i.e. Needs to pray on it) ?
So what? Unless he tries to push his religion on you, then I don't see much of a problem with that.
And he'll probably pay rent with notes that say "In God We Trust." Pushy bastard!