By Dead_Fox - 21/11/2012 05:48 - United States - Jonesboro

Today, I had a sex dream, which I interrupted by having an OCD-induced panic attack because apparently we weren't using protection. My brain won't even let me enjoy the fantasy action I get in my sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 872
You deserved it 3 883

Same thing different taste

Top comments

is it even possible to cockblock yourself?

OCD or not, using a condom is always a good thing.


same thing happened to me a couple weeks ago.

BlueFlatts 20

OCD teaches safe sex, I did not know that.

Since when did obsessive-compulsive disorder have anything to do with contraception use? That's like saying your OCD compels you to eat a survivable amount of food every day. It's kind of a basic human thing.

chrissy2 28

Whenever I have a dream that I had unprotected sex, I wake up thinking that I'm going to get pregnant.

Dead_Fox 17

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is an anxiety disorder in which people have unwanted and repeated thoughts, feelings, ideas, sensations (obsessions), or behaviors that make them feel driven to do something (compulsions). OCD is commonly associated with obvious rituals which are a hindrance to the performance of the individual. These 'rituals' have been played up by popular media, but most persons with OCD do not, in fact, have any particular 'tic'; only roughly 20%. In my own case, I have a recurring obsession with cleanliness, sanitation, and safety. Unprotected sex, which I might guess a number of you have engaged in, can be a particularly scary thought for me.