By Dead_Fox - 21/11/2012 05:48 - United States - Jonesboro

Today, I had a sex dream, which I interrupted by having an OCD-induced panic attack because apparently we weren't using protection. My brain won't even let me enjoy the fantasy action I get in my sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 872
You deserved it 3 883

Same thing different taste

Top comments

is it even possible to cockblock yourself?

OCD or not, using a condom is always a good thing.


they dont make rubbers big enough for sloths so i dont have to worry about it. :D

Maybe your subconscious is trying to tell you something.;)

I don't think it was your OCD I think it was your common sense kicking in

Sally2dicks21 8

I routinely stop just short of having sex in my dreams because I don't want to cheat on my wife. I too am a lucid dreaming sad sack.

Cum on op! Everyone knows semen swim the backstroke in dreams, and S T D'd ya know its impossible to contract diseases? But only in your dreams children. Play it safe. Handle with care. And always wrap your package before shipment.

poor op. Whenever he hits on a girl she says in your dreams...