FML for mobile
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By Anonymous - 21/12/2009 21:48 - United States

Today, I had given up on finding my makeup bag with cell phone and iPod my mom had bought for me recently. So I went to art to join the group of girls with whom I share the back art studio of my school. One of them was talking about how she'd ripped off some bitch's stuff, and she held up my bag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 634
You deserved it 3 089

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so.... kick her in the face and take it back? I hope you didn't just stand there

Pipistrello_fml 0

Here's an idea. Stand there like a VICTIM, do nothing to get it back, and blog about it later on FML for sympathy.. Here's a better one "Today, I was in Art c;lass bragging about some stuff I stole from some bitch. She was in the class and throat punched me and got it back. I now have to eat soup for a month. FML"


Agreed, number one This is just so trivial Did you at least fight?

Punch the bitch and get it back. How is this an FML? The end of it is "So I got my bag back. End of story."

renaet 0

Yes exactly. How is this a FML at all? I hope you at least approached her and said it was yours...

Agreed, punch her and get it back, not a FML. If all fails, call the cops on her ass.

How is this an FML when you can take care of it right there??? _________________________________

This FML should've read like this: "Today, I had given up on finding my makeup bag with cell phone and iPod my mom had bought for me recently. So I went to art to join the group of girls with whom I share the back art studio of my school. One of them was talking about how she'd ripped off some bitch's stuff, and she held up my bag. Now i have to spend three hours cleaning brain matter out of the boot of my car after i smashed her head in with a golf club, drove her out of town and threw her into a river. FML"

Reyo 2

I agree with #82. OP, try not to look at this as a negative experience. Look at it this way: You now know who's bitchass you need to cave in with your brand new, steel toe boots.

If it were me, this would be on that-other-more-positive-site-you-can't-name-here-because-the-overly-territorial-mods'll-delete-your-post, because rearranging that bitches face and taking my stuff back from her after mangling her would definitely Make My Day. ... ... ... Taking bets on whether this post sticks around.

@82 Um, to be honest, I don't think that's equal to or less than 300 characters lol. So, it won't work if she were to try to get her FML posted. :D I might sound too technical. Lol.

ryguy997 0

1. punch in face. 2. grab bag. 3. RUN LIKE THE PUSSY YOU ARE!!!

if it's an FML then it's..."and i was too shy to get it back...."

Steal it back, then go back the next day and proclaim "Hey guys I ripped this bitch's bag off, isn't it awesome?"

fatcow282 8

That comment would have been funny if u left out the last part

so.... kick her in the face and take it back? I hope you didn't just stand there

jaysweet112197 8

lol she prob did just stand there. since she wrote the fml inless she got beat up after trying to get it :p

Wow, how mean! I hope you got your bag back!

Pour sugar in her gas tank. Take a nail and etch into her hood, "Paybacks are Hell".

Pouring sugar in a gas tank does nothing. Except put sugar sitting at the bottom of the tank, or maybe to get vaporized if its somehow makes it through the filters.

IOwnedYou 0

Number 3, You hope she got her bag back instead of her iPod, that her mom bought her?

Pipistrello_fml 0

Here's an idea. Stand there like a VICTIM, do nothing to get it back, and blog about it later on FML for sympathy.. Here's a better one "Today, I was in Art c;lass bragging about some stuff I stole from some bitch. She was in the class and throat punched me and got it back. I now have to eat soup for a month. FML"

Did you forget the part.. "I am now going to jail for ripping out her internal organs and shoving them down her throat.." ??

breekeebs 0

good? so now were trying to encourage violence! stupid!

Oh I would beat the hell out of someone for stealing my stuff.