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By Theo - 18/12/2009 06:52 - United States

Today, I came home to find my room completely torn apart. My mom and dad start yelling at me asking me why I am doing drugs because she found a tiny baggie on the floor. It was the little bag that spare buttons come in when you buy a dress shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 919
You deserved it 2 231

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Reyo 2

So let me get this straight, you never found any drugs, right? We found this baggie! But did you find any DRUGS? We found this bag- I didn't ask if you found a baggie, I know you found a baggie, I asked if you found any DRUGS. Bag- DRUGS! ba- DRUGS! ...b- DRUGS! fucken thought so.


Reyo 2

So let me get this straight, you never found any drugs, right? We found this baggie! But did you find any DRUGS? We found this bag- I didn't ask if you found a baggie, I know you found a baggie, I asked if you found any DRUGS. Bag- DRUGS! ba- DRUGS! ...b- DRUGS! fucken thought so.

Kami84 0

You are amazing. I couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard.

tell them it's because you have obsessive parents that don't respect your privacy and won't stay the f@&k out of your room!

CaptainDoorknob 7

40 - You are the grand ******* winner of a million internets.

Wow your parents are really stupid.. hope you move out of there soon!

They must be, especially because those little bags usually have holes (from that little plastic thingy that attaches them to the article of clothing. So, FHL for having stupid parents.

xxreikoxx 31

Wow...I certainly do hope they at least listened to you and took the liberty of helping you clean up the mess they made. They should at least do that after making it look a lot worse than mine. -.-;

Hmm. Didn't know smoking plastic buttons was something new to get you high. I would say your mom and dad need to relax a little bit...that's just silly they would even think that. ...and forgetting about the fact they apparently confused buttons for a white powder or something, have you given them a reason to suspect that your doing drugs?

xxreikoxx 31

OP's parents aren't as nosy as my mom, who will literally go right through my things while I'm in the room and compulsively make my bed while I'm home. Fringe disadvantage of living in a home that's dysfunctional. You have almost no privacy. I feel slightly sympathetic for the OP. FYL.

xxreikoxx - oh, FYL, you have a mother who compulsively makes your bed... that's so much worse than having your parents tear your room apart and scream at you for doing drugs when you don't... shut up.

CaptainDoorknob 7

Did they even bother to smell it first? The bags smell like it for days.

I feel really sorry for you, I know what it is like to have parents who can't just mind their own flippin' business (when they're supposed to. It's different when you're a kid), and always allow themselves to assume all sorts of random shit about you, without (and more importantly BEFORE) really knowing what's going on in FACT, and mistake their misinterpretations for a universally acknowledged truth.... Keep strong...

Shady_R 0

In this case his parents jumped to the wrong conclusion yes but I think the fact that he still lives at home, regardless of age mean his parents get some say in how he lives his life. If you really want independence get your own place.

You are making a perfect point here, although unfortunately you can't always find a place of your own just like that, like, overnight, and in the meantime, having to cope with such behaviour can feel pretty tough. The bloke must have felt awful to realize his parents obviously didn't trust him, unless they had good reasons not to, as far as we know, they shouldn't have... Anyway my point wasn't about his parents having their say, it was about instantly assuming crazy shit on their own, making up stories from scratch and taking it all for granted before even having the littlest piece of serious evidence, d'you know what I mean, having a word with their son about it, or gradually getting further clues to corroborate it all. Unless they had some serious reasons to become suspicious of him, coming up with such theories is just so absurd I'd understand if the OP had been pissed off....

JustAReaderOfFml 4

Well the good news is now you can do drugs as it is unlikely to happen again. amirite? so congratulations.

DTbasketball 0

Are you on drugs? Because that makes little to no sense.

expen_dable 0

Tell them that they are morons, since those little baggies aren't big enough for a decent amount of coke, and heroin comes wrapped in tinfoil. DUH!

The point was weed, not any hard stuff. Which, frankly, is a pretty acceptable drug to be doing. Either way, jumping to conclusions is stupid, because it's hard to get weed smell out of bags. You'd notice.

nygunns1 0

u could probelly get a gram or so of weed in there. but it would smell

GreenDaemon21 0

and were you, or were you not, using the baggie to store the goods ur parents claimed u had?

Yarrachel 16