By dexter - 15/01/2009 15:07 - United States

Today, I had lunch with a couple of my friends and a guy I like. Another guy I have a crush on came and ate with us too. After lunch, one of the guys I have a crush on told me the other guy I like is sexy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 676
You deserved it 4 977

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You still have the other guy to go after. Just stop liking EVERYONE!


it is definitly a choice to be gay. I choose to have sex with women and could just as easily play bum darts with guys. however crossing swords isn't my thing. if it was natural then we would all be hermophradites and be able to be with whoever we wanted

Um, it's not the ACT of sex that's gay or not. I'm a girl, I have sex with guys, and I have sex with girls (I'm bisexual). However, I COULD have only sex with guys. That wouldn't make me straight. It's not the SEX, it's the ATTRACTION and love.

SaltyLurker 10

"However crossing swords isn't my thing" What do you think that means, dumbass

rightwrite528 0
CookyMonsta 0

you sure did like a lot of guys...

that's why I'm lesbian. nothing like that ever happens. hehe...

icecreamman222 0

op he may of sensed you like him and told his friend to scare you off.

Yaoi FTW! You're not weird -I'd do it, too.

FreakingFYou 13

gays and polygamists. this is one messed up world.