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Dose me up!

By Anonymous - 28/01/2013 21:18 - United States - Fayette

Today, I had to have major oral surgery. Needless to say I am in need of some heavy pain medication. My pharmacist insists that my surgeon never called in my medicine, and my surgeon insists otherwise. This has been going back and forth for hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 291
You deserved it 2 169

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well then you missed the part where someone had been going "back and forth for hours"


ouch! Sorry OP. Hope it gets figuered out soon.

Can't they just agree to fill your prescription? They both are acting very unprofessional.

stevenJB 25

I'd just go to the hospital and start whining about it. Lol

12- In some places, they won't release narcotics over a fax (or photocopy). I had this problem after I had emergency surgery. Goddamn discharging doctor (who wasn't my surgeon) gave me a photocopy, and the pharmacy wouldn't take it. It took four hours to sort out, because that doctor had left, and somehow DIDN'T FILE the stupid original, so they had to get a whole new doctor down from Gynecology (where they were delivering a baby, so they were extra fast...) to check to see that YES, I was post op, and YES, I was supposed to have narcotics. The doctor is being unprofessional - pharmacies can't release the drugs without a prescription. Maybe the fax failed, or got misplaced.

My doctor calls in the prescription, but if it fails I still get prescription notes that have his signature so even if something gets misplaced, they still have the ability to fill my script as it is enough proof that I am supposed to have them, but it takes a considerable amount of time longer for them to sort out the pills for some reason

Any time I've had major surgery that need strong pain medication I got the prescription filled ahead of time. That way I avoided such headaches, and I could go home to bed.

let the war between the surgeon in the pharmacist go on. hopefully resolve it soon because I know how it is to be in pain

Get the dentist guy too call again and say "here's the prescription!!!"

Well then you missed the part where someone had been going "back and forth for hours"

Yeah, those oral B products really do work.

Damn it #20, I was having a perfectly good boner and your comment ruined it.

Meh just crank up "sunshine of your love" any you'll be in the mood again.

spekledworf 18

Is your boyfriend still mad over the BJ situation?

goodoldave 17

99 problems but a bitch ain't one.

I see what your saying op has another problem, but luckily it isn't about romance... So you decided to summ this up with a quote from a great poet of the twenty first century....hmm All in all it's a pretty ******* stupid comment

Wow. Just tell your surgeon to call in the order for the meds again.

I was literally going to say that exact same thing! Great minds I guess...

free2speak 14

The doc can't just write another prescription for a narcotic (assuming it is a narcotic and not a NSAID) like it's no big deal because all scheduled drugs are strictly controlled and monitored... Which is also why it's such a huge damn pain in the butt to get another one if you lose yours.

Exactly, but you can't call in narcs in america either....

thrAsHeRr9081 16

Yes, you can call in CIIIs and CIVs. Can't call in CIIs. A pharmacy cannot fill a prescription they do not have. Call the doctor yourself.

Do you have any "buddies" that can help in the meantime?

I got you! The deal of the day is life! High on life!.. No? Well, there's always codeine.

Why can't one of them just be mature and concede their mistake and actually get you the medicine you need? I'm sorry you have to go through that, OP.

Some people just can't admit when they're wrong. I'm sure they'll later blame it on a secretary and be buddy buddies again real soon

RedPillSucks 31

The most expedient thing would be for the doctor to just call in another prescription. Arguing whether the pharmacy lost it or not is pointless. If they lost it, they're not going to find it anytime soon.

So it really is impossible for them to just redo the order since their both talking to each other. This explains A. Why Humans won't last much longer according to Charles Darwin, and B. what's wrong with today's medical system.

If only natural selection worked a little faster we wouldn't have so many problems...

free2speak 14

If only natural selection applied to human beings... We are the only species that defy natural selection (though not entirely) due to our ability to manipulate our surrounding. We care for the handicapped in our society, we treat those with illnesses, etc so natural selection, to a great extent, doesn't apply to us.

Completely unrelated but why does the doctor call the pharmacy? Over here you get a sheet of paper with the prescribed medicine and show it to the pharmacist, end of story.

Its not just where you are. Im guessing that when OP left the surgeons office, the receptionist said they would call in the medication or told OP to call if there were issues. Now OP is stuck in between a rock and a hard place, but at this point, I think OP needs to find a ride to go pick up a physical prescription (unless its after hours). Its horrible regardless! Feel better OP!

A lot of offices and pharmacies tend to prefer to have the doctor fax over the prescriptions now, save for certain drugs.

Depends on where you are and what the med is. My hydrocodone is faxed in, when I had to take oxycodone, I had to bring a hard copy, and I believe it was also faxed or called in. Its to prevent addicts from scamming for narcotics. Makes it very difficult for those who actually need it.

8 years of medical school and they cant solve a thing like that. Just sit back and watch them act like idiots, laughter is the best medicine. But seriously I hope they sort it out soon.

RedPillSucks 31

Unfortunately, laughter would be more hurtful after oral surgery.

Oh gosh, I'm cringing at the thought of laughing after oral surgery. I had top and bottom jaw surgery once. Talking was out of the question, let alone laughing. *shudder*