By Anonymous - 08/10/2015 13:07 - United States - Niles

Today, I had my first open job interview, which is when a group of applicants are interviewed together. I also found out that despite being great at one-on-one interviews, I will panic and make myself look like a complete moron when I'm part of a group. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 560
You deserved it 2 363

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Redoxx_fml 22

"He panicked, he's the one we want." Imagine?


There is nothing to be ashamed of everyone get nervous during one on one and group interviews. And the interviewers know that. As long as you have a solid resume and great work references you will be fine GOOD LUCK!!!!!!

So, I take it you don't work well in groups?

I do the same thing. Hate group interviews.

I don't like these either. You get less of a chance to stand out.

Group interviews do suck, I managed to get one for a book store I really wanted to work at but my 'partner' in the group messed that up for me

You aren't alone I feel exactly the same about those interviews, so much that I will avoid them at all costs

My first ever job interview was a group interview. I totally panicked and the same happened to me. lol :P

I had to do a group interview when applying to PetCo, hated it.