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By s13495 - 24/10/2013 15:52 - United Kingdom - Hull

Today, I had my first interview in over a year. I panicked and passed out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 074
You deserved it 6 374

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, you should interview at a mattress shop! You could go around saying "this mattress is so comfy, I could just-" and then pass out dramatically! I see a real future here.

I really hope they understand what happened, I'm sorry OP


I really hope they understand what happened, I'm sorry OP

Rainhawk94 27

Lets just yell out random names

I think #27 was referencing a Martin Lawrence joke where he passes out from a heat stroke. But just saying his name is way too vague. That's my best guess.

jojimugo 20

You got all that from Martin?? Impressive

No, as in I know the OP. He told me he got published and wanted me to find his post. >_> There was more to that comment but for some reason it got deleted. It wasn't a random post.

They sent an email the next day, it was actually 4 people on one side of a desk interviewing me, I'm really not good with interviews like that, but they said they understood and that they do high stress interviews like that to find people who work under pressure. I told them how I felt about it all and hey said to not worry about it, just to work on my confidence haha!

Oh don't worry op. I hope you get the job!

Maybe I'm just a pessimistic bastard, but the odds that he impressed the interviewers enough for a call back are extremely low. Let's be real here.

You're not pessimistic, you're a realist like myself. But it's nice to try and make OP feel better.

jazzy_123 20

great attempt at trying to make OP feel better #2, but after something like that I doubt the chances are high...

evan_7899 28

Au Contraire #21, If he was applying to any basketball team he would've been hired on the spot

Hey, you should interview at a mattress shop! You could go around saying "this mattress is so comfy, I could just-" and then pass out dramatically! I see a real future here.

*about to pass out because of nervosity* "So what made you choose this job?" "OH THIS MATRESS LOOKS NICE I CAN PASS OUT ON IT I MEAN SLEEP ON IT" *faint*

150493x 29

I think #3 pretty much covered that, #12.

But i gave an example of a situation she could be in xD its something~

funny story, I used to work in a charity furniture shop that sold beds mainly, ironic really :)

You'll do better next time! Everything happens for a reason

graceinsheepwear 33

The REASON OP passed out is from nerves. It's no deeper than There's. no universal truth here and saying there is is just new age pablum.

Maybe you're just an overly cynical asshole. Try being encouraging for once in your life

yeah first impressions are everything, they won't hire someone if they assume they will pass out during a stressful situation. Regardless if this was only a one off event.

You could ask for a second chance, maybe? :)

perdix 29

Before your next interview, get drunk and smoke a bunch of weed. At least, you'll make it through the interviews.

Pwn17 25

It's sarcasm. That should have been obvious.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

Hey, a little herb will definitely take the edge off. Now if you seriously want the job smoke a ton of meth and head in. You'll be so ******* fly they'll have no choice but hire someone who'll finish a days work in 20 minutes. That's just good business for both ends, and if you count the supplier, that makes three happy people!

You do realize they drug test during the pre-hire process? Even if you have a fantastic interview, it'll be for naught once the drug results come in.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

Weed stays in your system for about a month, but most chems'll be out within 2-4 days, depending on how easily it breaks down inside you. Now that I said that, it's pretty obvious we were both joking..

Rainhawk94 27

Oh thank you, Rainhawk94, would never have known. Despite their jokes, I do like to hand out reasonable comments and advice now and again.

I don't know if it's a placebo effect but I've found Rescue Remedy really calms me down when I get anxious. Give it a try, take deep breaths and good luck with your next interview.

thatonegirlnic 10

Nerves just mean it's really important to you. So no shame there! It would be nice if you had a different nervous habit though...

Oh dear! Imagine if OP peed himself every time he was nervous.. "Today, I had my first interview in over a year. I panicked and peed myself. The interviewer noticed the puddle under my chair. I don't think I'll be getting a call back :( FML"