By Screwed - 16/03/2009 03:38 - United States

Today, I had one of the worst panic attacks in years. I was worried nobody cared about me and that I had completely messed up my life. I was hyperventilating and crying hysterically. My mom walked by my room, looked at me, and said, "If you're going to make those noises, at least shut the door." FML
I agree, your life sucks 217 312
You deserved it 30 421

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is your mother unaware of the fact that you have panic attacks?


Talk to someone. If you sit there and let your thoughts control you, then nothing is going to get better. and I seriously hate how people say it's "emo", depression hits anyone.

At least the reasons you've been having these seizures from are not completely made up by your imagination. That should cheer you up... :)

GabriLee 0

People, "emo" is such a stupid word, so stop using it whenever you see someone who is not as happy as you. Emo is a fashion style, not a state of being. I know how that is, I've been there. Mothers can be dumb, just focus on the good. Anything good at all, like the fact the sun is out. Or the stars. Count the good in life rather than bad. It makes the day a little brighter, and forget about your mom, perhaps she just doesn't understand what you're going through. Mine certainly didn't. I still don't think she knows.

cherl 0

That's why you're having panic attack cox your mother is such a bitch. She doesn't really care about you. I feel so sorry for you. But you know life always sucks, you gonna have to find a way to live it through.

vonstrangle 0

get on some anti anxiety meds please. and pee in your mother's shampoo too

Q ******' Q. Appearently the only medicine you crave is the attention of others.

ummmyeahhh 0

#8- your "messed up life" isn't necessarily what gives you panic attacks. my sister has a panic attack anytime she needs to take a subway or the metro. not trains, buses, or cars, or anything, just underground. we found this out the hard way when she would start hyperventilating and eventually wet herself every time we even looked at the subway entrances. kind of ruined that family vacation... #26, 27- anxiety is a serious disorder. the meds don't always work, but sometimes they do. it's not a form to get attention, it's because the person seriously cannot deal in whichever situation and then shuts down. some people are just more sensitive to the attacks, so you might have had one and never known. they can be minor panic thoughts-- oh no, i left the stove on, what if my house burns down-- or they can be huge-- i need to make a life-changing decision and don't know how to handle it. It all just depends on the person.

well... now at least u confirmed ur fears of anxiety are factual. Its time now for you to handle it on your own... man up babe

Cheer up sweetheart, i had it for years and got rid of it. And girl did i had some bad ones! (assuming u are a gril, maybe u are not, sorry for that then)