Why would you stick that there?
By Co-B - 03/09/2009 20:59 - United States

By Co-B - 03/09/2009 20:59 - United States
By Anonymous - 31/05/2012 20:53 - Canada - Courtenay
By Anonymous - 15/01/2011 10:19 - United Kingdom
By badluckdrew - 01/05/2009 14:28 - United States
By PCJJacket - 05/05/2014 17:30 - United States - Los Angeles
By omgdesdes - 16/11/2014 01:29 - United States - Casselberry
By Anon - 04/08/2013 05:36 - Australia - Perth
By Rob - 06/06/2012 16:02 - United States - Neoga
By Tucker - 18/11/2009 21:35 - United States
By Brian - 04/05/2009 23:27 - United States
By Otherguy - 18/11/2008 07:36 - France
Piss off.
Okay okay so let me get this straight a)You auctually put your condom in your pocket? really who the **** does that b)Your pockets are SO ******* shallow that she can yank out a condom with the keys c)Your girlfriend AUCTUALLY couldnt ******* feel the condom in your pants beside the keys? (not a very valid point but still) d)Your girlfriend went into your pockets with her family in front of her which I highly doubt (from experience) girls show intimacy/touching right in front of her family e)HOW THE **** WOULD IT FLY OUT? your girlfriend is pretty ******* strong if she can make a condom fly in the air
youre not supposed to flush them down the toilet. they clog the pipes.
can be as big or long as some of the other things I have flushed. May take 3-4 flushes and a plunger... but it goes
NEVER flush it down the toilet........ Never!
Okay Unregistered needs to learn how to spell, it's "actually". And some pants have shallow pockets. But the OP deserves if for putting the used condom in by pocket.
Agreed that is weird!
HOW freakin gross! Come on now, lets say u guys did the damn thing somewhere "fun" and u thought u needed to keep it hidden. but really, u put it in your pocket!!!? a USED condom, with all of your juices on the inside and her juices on the outside, without even putting it in a napkin or something? See, that is just nasty. next time dispose of that promptly. I hope u didnt have any cum stains seeping through your pants.
Come on guys, give him a break, he was just saving it for later. Now THAT'S what I call recycling!
#185, exactly man thats gross to put in your pocket
You should had accused her of being a cheating ***** and stormed out. Would have been priceless!
If they didn't want her family seeing it in the garbage it kinda makes sense...
Did the cum hit her parents? ;)
even if it's tied, what did he do, wash the exterior? not only guys secrete liquids, lol technically its all gross outside and inside...
hahaaa I love it. Totally true!
OH WELL... uh, at least they know you're safe!
Why keep a used one in your pocket?
Did cum get everywhere???
why did u keep it in ur pckt? ew
YDI for not throwing it out, you sicko. why would you put it in your pocket?!
Eww... don't keep it in your pocket.
OH WELL... uh, at least they know you're safe!