By Anonymous - 06/06/2011 23:20 - United States

Today, I had sex with a Juggalo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 955
You deserved it 60 913

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kwt2007 2
dudeitsdanny 9

Umm.. Well, here's the solution: Don't. You obviously wanted to have sex with him, otherwise it would be an entirely different FML. You ARE capable of deciding who to screw.. If you're desperate enough to have sex with a juggalo, when you obviously dislike that, then that's your fault. Get a vibrator, or stop doing whoever comes along.


ICP sucks balls,and all the "jiggalos" can suck on my fat balls,icp is trash and always will be.

fckmylife96 0

What the hell is a juggalo?

Juliet86 0

so what's so wrong with juggalos geez, not like they're all nasty freaks some of my best friends are Los/lettes

smileekid 0

racist. I had to learn the hard way on what those were-.-

I don't know what's worse. That this person would consider letting any part of that trailer trash mall rat body touch theirs...or the people who are defending the "juggalos". If you aren't ashamed to be one of these people, I'm ashamed for you.

stewie13_666 0

what the **** is wrong with that?

WHOOP WHOOP. I feel bad for the juggalo

Uh.. I don't see the issue? Why is everyone bashing the Juggalo? There's really good people who are Juggalo's. Everyone hears the word Juggalo or Juggalette and thinks "Ohhhhh, they're criminals, they're horrible people." Well, ya know what? **** all y'all judgmental ass holes. Mkay? Sincerely, A JUGGALETTE.