By boopadoop - 20/10/2011 17:35 - United States

Today, I had sex with my boyfriend for the first time. After we finished, he went under the covers and started touching me. At first I thought he was trying to give me "oral pleasure". It turns out he lost the condom inside of me and was trying to fish it out before I noticed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 254
You deserved it 5 558

BoopADoop tells us more.

It was only like two seconds later


puppytaco64 8

Dear OP, May might want to consider a pregnancy test in the next few days just to be certain. Should stress/address importance of condom remaining on during, and until withdrawal. *Any* genital contact without a condom if you're looking to avoid STI's/pregnancy, is dangerous. If it was an accident (be it mechanic or biological) you need to ensure that he corrects/adjusts whatever so this doesn't happen again, if you intend on being active. FYL, and gl!

marpay 11

You might want to know that it takes a month to test positive on a pregnancy test. She has the ability to go to any pharmacy in the US and get a morning after pill, so she can completely avoid that possibility. Next time she should put the condom on him and make sure there isn't movement on the base of it. If so he needs a smaller size.

#246, that's some useless pregnancy tests you got.

Yeeeah, that really depends on the type of pregnancy test. Either way you're right; morning after pill is wisest choice.

NinaTatianna 9

I hope your on the pill or using some other form of birth control. you gotta prepare for these kinds of things so much can go wrong with a condom. Thats why im gonna go on the pill when I start having sex.

HeroValentino 0

Thats what he gets for buying condoms to big for him. LOL

Must be pretty freaking small I'd the condom came off!!!