By ArsonistsLullaby - 21/09/2016 21:02 - United States

Today, I had sex with my boyfriend for the first time. When he slid his penis in, he felt my NuvaRing, and with the most excitement I've ever seen a man muster, said, "Oh my god! You have your clit pierced! I can't believe I actually get to have sex with a girl who has her clit pierced!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 869
You deserved it 1 763

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think the real FML is that you guys apparently didn't do any foreplay

carleybeak 21

I think it might be time for him to learn some female anatomy...


Actually everyone, most of the ******** is inside and around the ******. That's what makes it contract during an ******. Only a very small part of it is visible externally, which is what this dude thought was pierced.

PH4NX0M 16

He probably made a GMH post about that. And that's weird, to have your freaking clitouris pierced.

fantastamazing 10

Is it bad I know the female anatomy and still don't know what a NuvaRing is?

HalfLit 17

With as much time as guys spend on the internet you'd think they could google a chart or something if they were unsure.

burnsomeheckincalories 6

Yes. That is where the clit is. Inside the ******. ???