By BananaCoconutty - 16/05/2015 16:33 - Canada - Stoney Creek
BananaCoconutty tells us more.
They were the Scooby Doo Bandaids! Lol
Top comments
I am stuck on bandaid brands cause bandaids help heal me!
I could have swore it was 'stuck on me'.. But I watched a commercial and it said help heal me.. I am so confused. Lmao.
I hate to be that guy (girl?), but it's *bandaids, not bandaid's. Or if you want to get real technical, it'd be "band-aids."
It should be "Band-Aids" because it's a proper noun (brand name).
Thanks for the tip
And I thought i was the only one who got excited over bandaids!
Life's little wins
My FML got rejected because shit like this was more important. **** this app.
*sigh* no sex given... So what kind were they? But nothing can beat the frozen bandaids
They were Scoody Doo and I have never seen Frozen bandaids before.
One of the best commercial jingles to this day. Just curious OP, what type. Dora, Hello Kitty, Sponge Bob?
They were the Scooby Doo Bandaids! Lol
My favorite was always those clear "tattoo" band aids with the Tuscans and stuff on them, but you can't go wrong with scooby doo
You can never go wrong with Scooby Doo.
You got scooby doo bandaids. I see no reason your life sucks, scooby doo is awesome and entirely normal to be happy about.
Why don't you like the wiggles
Yay. Scooby doo
Completely justified.
I love my bugs bunny ones... It stops being painful and I can show it of =) I'm 26, a molecular biology student, private tutor and in a serious 5yrs relationship. ..
aww. no barbie band aids
Scooby Doo is the best!!
Good call--that's awesome!
Wait till you have to rip them off
I hope they were 'The Wiggles' bandaids