By pod - 25/06/2011 23:29 - United States
Same thing different taste
By WetPhone - 15/06/2009 18:10 - United States
By howniceofyou - 01/08/2011 18:12 - Canada
The language of love
By Anonymous - 20/01/2010 16:17 - Australia
By ilovedirt - 10/07/2011 03:12 - United States
By qtpieo1 - 13/08/2010 16:14 - United States
By crappygirlfriend - 10/01/2010 07:59 - United States
By soawkward - 26/01/2012 19:09 - Canada
By Erica - 08/07/2013 17:27 - United States - Mountain View
By wrongman - 14/02/2018 19:00
By Anonymous - 27/08/2011 07:21 - United States
Top comments
that sucks! make him buy new ones?
You fail to make sense.
agreeing with 65
YDI for carrying your iPod and phone next to a pool when you are with your boyfriend
I once threw Amy winehouse into a pool, her shim was so leathery it soaked up all the water. I couldn't even swim :(
48, that works only if the phone hasn't been used since it was dropped in the water. Cause it's not the water that ***** the electronics (not 100%) it's actually really the short circuit when you use it while it's wet.... So yer op, still try putting in rice, cover it up with rice for a few days in the sun.
yep... rice will do the trick.. but not a bag a bowl.
Try the rice in the bowl... It worked for me once, but I tried it again with an iPod that got dropped in the sink and it never came back to life. :|
punch him in the boob!
dry them out if you hurried and got out fast if they still don't work check your warranty and see if you can get them replaced and if that doesn't work tell the funny guy pay up or arms up. take him to a donation clinic and give plasma. you saving lives and get your phone and iPod! WIN WIN!!!
that sucks OP... but while your boyfriend was picking you up to throw you in the pool why didnt you scream at him that you had your ipod?
her boyfriend is a chicken in the hole
this is such a common post on FML that its hard to feel bad anymore. Rule of pools, if your hanging by the pool put all call phones and iPods on the table away from any ass that might toss you in. Unless he picked you up inside and carried you to the pool ydi.
Sounds like... *puts on sunglasses* You're sunk. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAH!
I c wu- Oh nevermind.
Sounds like... *puts on sunglasses* A failed attempt at being comical!
it looks like..... *Puts on sunglasses* you got wet. YYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!
4 and 112 - I don't know why, but that comment made me laugh REALLY hard, thank you for end my night happily. ^^
No we have a perfectly good sunglasses combo on the other fml. Don't start this. Besides *puts on sunglasses* it just ain't classy.
You looked all the way to 112? THATS pathetic.

Since when do bikinis have pockets? Wait, whaaaaat? Why weren't you wearing a bikini! No wonder he threw you in.
He's an idiot, but that would've been hilarious to watch.
im gonna feel terrible for your kids if you view them like you view your phone/iPod.
*looks at kids* The smaller one is defective. Maybe I can trade it in for the newest model?
this happens too often for me to actually pity you or agree that your life is ******.
and I'm sure you'd be thrilled if your bike was totaled.Hypocrite
Was it an iPhone? I'm sure there's an app to help fix your phone.
I have an iPod, then I got an iPhone. I still carry both.
there's an so for everything
^ wow
thats the joke
I have both....why wouldn't she? :)
I got an iPad,iPod,Iphone3 and 4g soo what's the problem of having too many?
#142 now aren't you just apple's favorite customer...
Yeah, I'm sure she would use it…if her phone turns on.
They have an iPhone 4G now?
Motorola 4 life

that sucks! make him buy new ones?
Was it an iPhone? I'm sure there's an app to help fix your phone.